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White Rook

Assistant Cook
Dec 20, 2024
Not sure where to put this. I, like uesing butter. I, keep it in a closed cotainer with a lid. I, am relutant to keep it on the counter, so it is soft, when, I want to use it. Hoe do you keep your butter. Thanks for the help
Except what we use for toast, etc. we keep it in its original package in the refrigerator. Otherwise, the butter we want to stay soft lives in a "butter bell" on the kitchen table. Have been doing this for more years than I can count.

For more information on what a butter bell is, look here:

I do the same as Steve; I keep it on the counter. I tried putting out the equivalent of 1/2 a stick, but it got used up too fast, especially now that I am watching my sodium. I'll have to see how it goes leaving out a whole 1/4 lb of unsalted butter. I was using mayo for spreading on bread for most sandwiches, but there is a lot of salt in mayo.
I keep mine on the counter, but I only load up the container with a half stick at a time. That lasts me about a week.

Nothing worse than hard butter. :sneaky:

Butter I am going to cook with stays in the fridge. For spreading on breads, I sometimes have some out on the counter. Like Steve, I only keep a partial stick out -- what I think I'll use in a week.

I keep 1/2 pound butter in a sealed container in my cupboard. The other half is another sealed container in the fridge. Taken out when the first one is depleted. Soon after I then take out a frozen one to defrost.
That is my salted butter. I go thru A LOT of butter - too much probably. It's my holy trinity.... butter, bacon and butter.
My unsalted butter I keep in the fridge.
When I make ghee - depends on how clear it is. Super clear I keep (covered) in the cupboard. If I don't get it super clear I keep it in the fridge.
Most of the butter is in the fridge or freezer. I keep a butter bell on the counter which holds a stick of butter when newly filled. It keeps the butter fresh and at room temp. for a couple of weeks or more.
I have a butter bell on the table - picked that habit up long ago and far away.

around here, works fall to spring, but summer time the ambient temp is high enough that the butter falls out and into the water seal.
We also keep butter in a butter bell and have done so for years. We do have butter in the fridge for cooking, etc. when we want to measure easily, but a butter bell is simple and keeps butter well!
DIL uses a butter bell, but when it needs washing, another container is recruited.
Fluctuates between 3 maybe 4 different vessels.
Is one better than the other?
Depends on who you ask.
They are all kept on the counter.
DIL uses a butter bell, but when it needs washing, another container is recruited.
Fluctuates between 3 maybe 4 different vessels.
Is one better than the other?
Depends on who you ask.
They are all kept on the counter.

I have experienced dark/black streaks developing in butter bell contents.
when it's empty, I wash/dry, put it in a cold oven set (for other reasons) to pre-heat to 350-450'F. which basically 'sterilizes' the butter bell.

it's rather well established that butter does not "rot/decay/go bad" at room temps over short-to-medium-to-long-term-time. my butter bell holds ~4 ounces/113g at a clip - which last me (the only one in the house that "dares" to eat it . . . with glee...) 3-4 weeks. I use it - soft state - on fresh toast/bread/biscuits/pancakes/waffles/etc. given the limited use, I splurge for a plugra / high fat (unsalted) butter for that specific use.

the fridge has more butter for saute/cooking/roux/etc.
I guess that makes me "bi-buttery?"
I used to keep one stick at a time in a butter bell, but I got tired of fishing it out of the water seal, so now I just keep it in a flip top butter dish on the counter. I go through it fast enough that it never spoils.
I use Can't Believe It's Not Butter to spread on bread I'm using for tuna melts or grilled cheese sandwiches. That staqys in the fridge. Otherwise, I keep a stick of regular butter in a butter dish on the counter in winter. In summer, if it doesn't get used within a few days, I have to put it in the fridge or it'll melt in the dish. I use the real butter for cooking or for recipes or for putting into pans to grease them up.

Any butter I'm not going to use for a couple weeks goes in the freezer.
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