Can I Season My Pork Prior To Cooking Sous Vide?

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
I bought a big tray of Bones Pork Loin Chops at Costco today.

I was thinking of "seasoning" all of them with Salt, Pepper,
minced Garlic Cloves and some fresh Thyme; packing them
in the Food Saver vacuum bags and then freezing all of them
for later, defrost them and then cook them in the Sous Vide.

Can I do this?
Can I pre-season, freeze, defrost and then cook?
Will they come out too salty, over seasoned? (we're not big salt people)

If you have other ideas, please share.
My goal is to package up the chops using the Food Saver,
freeze, thaw, cook.
You absolutely can. It's often suggested to season and seal meat into bags to freeze or SV.

Also, there is no need to thaw a packet of meat before freezing. Some of the SV apps give separate cooking times for fresh or frozen meats.

I hav an Anova SV circulator and the App that goes with it. I also have the App for the Joule SV because it gives me different things. Check out several apps.
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I'll be sure to share the results with the class!
I was thinking of seasoning some with some Sage,
others with Rosemary and then others with
the simple S&P.

pork with hot peppers.jpg

I was thinking of making this again ... sliced Pork
with diced Hot Cherry Peppers atop with a side
of roasted Veg :yum:
From what I've read, fresh garlic and onions should not be included with products in the sous vide packet. Something about the garlic/onions not cooking well and getting mushy.

It's not that the get mushy, it's that they don't really cook at all. You need to get over 185f for the pectin to start breaking down and them to get tender via sous vide.

HERE'S a pretty handy guide for veggies and the like.
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From what I've read, fresh garlic and onions should not be included with products in the sous vide packet. Something about the garlic/onions not cooking well and getting mushy.

Katie, I read the same thing on the Instant Brand site,
but contrary, Kenji at Serious Eats says other wise :wacko:
But he does instruct that once done, prior to searing,
remove any aromatics.
I bought a big tray of Bones Pork Loin Chops at Costco today.

I was thinking of "seasoning" all of them with Salt, Pepper,
minced Garlic Cloves and some fresh Thyme; packing them
in the Food Saver vacuum bags and then freezing all of them
for later, defrost them and then cook them in the Sous Vide.

Can I do this?
Can I pre-season, freeze, defrost and then cook?
Will they come out too salty, over seasoned? (we're not big salt people)

If you have other ideas, please share.
My goal is to package up the chops using the Food Saver,
freeze, thaw, cook.
Absolutely! No need to defrost, just drop the vacuum sealed bag into the drink and go make yourself one. This is the only way we do all our steaks, chops, tenderloins, pretty much everything. So convenient, and they always taste terrific! Just s&p along with your other rub or herbs, seal them up, and go for it. We usually just assume 2-3 hours for small meats, as typically the longer they go, the more tender they get, up to a point. SV is just fantastic!
Agreed that you absolutely should season in the sous vide bag. I see that you already did my other suggestion which is to make different seasoning mixes for each bag which means you can get inventive without wasting a whole lot of meat!
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