Can I use an ice cream maker for slushies/frapicinos?

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Senior Cook
May 15, 2020
Prior Lake
I'm getting an ice cream bug, and want to buy/upgrade to a ice cream machine with a compressor so it'll freeze it by itself. (I'm thinking wynter) but I also saw Ninja has a slushier maker. I have little space as it is, so I'm wondering if, I buy an ice cream maker, could I use it for slushies or frappes?

Or you know. Maybe a blender would work. But using an ice cream maker for a frappiccino could be fun. Wondering if anyone's tried it.

I also looked at Ninja Creamis, but heard from a friend who has/had one (she replaced it twice within 3 months) that it can catch fire/smoke if you get a defective one, and you still need to freeze the ice cream beforehand.
I would think you could make a slushie in an ice cream maker. I'm unsure what you mean by making a frape or frappacino... The big deal with the slushie is not to let the liquid freeze too much around the paddle. If the paddle is constantly moving, I think it should work.
I do. I used to have a small one. But my sister gifted me with the attachment for our KA for my birthday a couple years ago.
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