Assistant Cook
Just finished making a small batch of kimchee.
Also this week I slivered some cabbage for stir-frying with pork, onions, dried mushrooms. For this I barely cook the cabbage, enjoying the crunch.
Cabbage rolls are a once-every-winter thing that I've yet to do this year.
I hated cooked cabbage as a child, but thank heaven learned to love it, because I had to practically live on it when I was in my 20s because it was so inexpensive.
Of course there are hundreds of slaw recipes.
Even if you're making a tossed lettuce salad, a shaving of cabbage adds some crunch.
There's a dish made with cabbage and potatoes. I get it mixed up, someone out there help me. Colcannon? Bubble and Squeak? Something else. I've had it and made it and still cannot remember what it is called.
Hi Claire, I am very interested in your kimchee recipe