Can you buy roasted chickpea flour for making gondi?

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@pepperhead212 I didn't know that about NJ being the most densely populated state. I had to look up Wisconsin. We have half the states with more population/square mile, and half the states with less population/square mile. Who knew!
@pepperhead212 I didn't know that about NJ being the most densely populated state. I had to look up Wisconsin. We have half the states with more population/square mile, and half the states with less population/square mile. Who knew!
I remember when growing up, Rhode Island was always listed as the most densely populated state, but probably sometime in the 80s, when all that farmland was being sold off, and converted to housing developments, is when the density started rising. And I remember many of those towns, that back then were almost all farms, and, as a result, the number of zip codes were 7 or 8 per town, just getting the mail delivered by whatever zip code was closest, but when all those farmlands started getting more people than they had ever seen, the PO had to build some large buildings, one across the street in a town where I knew that the PO was in a corner store. I know this has nothing to do with chickpeas, but gives an idea of how much higher the population has become, thus making it easy to find things around here, not even taking the internet into account.

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