Chick pea flour

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Senior Cook
Nov 3, 2015
York (UK)
Hi. I'm not into glutton free food but I tried to make a Pakora. This was a recipe by Nadiya Hussain. It was a disaster. Somebody made some for me that were very nice. He told me to use chick pea flour. Never heard of it. He told me it is great with onion Baji also.

Anyone help out with this please.
Chick pea flour is very nice. You can make a batter from it, and, with Indian spices and then deep fried with chick flour from it, I do it with parboiled cauliflower, and it's delicious. Another way of doing it is to make chick pea pancakes - here it Italy it's called 'farinata'. Online there are recipes that you will useful.

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