Chicken and Waffle Sandwiches

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Executive Chef
Oct 7, 2009
San Diego CA
Pounded out some BSCB, cut them in half, seasoned them with Lawry's Seasoning Salt and black pepper and dredged them in flour.
Fried them in a CI skillet and let them drain and finish indirect.

Made some waffles in my waffle maker and placed them on the grill to warm them up and crisp them up a little.

Cooked up some bacon, added a little syrup and made me a couple of sandwiches

Fried chicken and waffles goes together like peanut butter and jelly! Love it! There's a soul food place up the street from me called Big Momma's Cafe. Big Momma has the best damn chicken and waffles, I don't think she ever thought to serve strawberries on the side though!
Well waffles and fried chcken is not on our diet planner. Who really eats that stuff? Taking a tour of the hood can give normal folks a real itchy trigger finger. The loud boog a lug music seems to be the deal breaker. Least in Florididdy. Its Tyrvone coming back for a repeat seemingly.
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