Chief Longwind Of The North
I have read many different ways to make supposedly perfect poachedeggs, from simply dropping raw eggs directly into boiling water, adding vinegar to the water, making a whirlpool in the boiling water, and dropping the eggs into the whirlpool, etc. My way is easy, and just makes sense. I spray the bottom of the sauce pan with cooking spray to keep the eggs from sticking. I the add enough cold water to cover the eggs. I gently crack the eggs into the cold water, and turn the heat to medium high. As the water warms, it starts setting the egg whites long before the water starts to simmer, then boil. This results in an egg that keeps its shape, with the yolk in the middle, and all of the egg white intact. When the whites are completely set, with soft yolk, place on buttered English muffins and enjoy. Here's proof.
Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North