Containers colour coded by size?

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What kind of permanent marker are you thinking of for this @caseydog ? I write on my plastic containers using a supposedly permanent Sharpie all the time and that comes off.
I did that, sort of. I tossed half.

It is amazing how Gladware and Kroger brands look identical, but the lids are not interchangeable . Now I only have Kroger and HEB containers.

The Kroger containers are rectangular and have blue lids, while the HEB containers are round and have red lids. I never have to fuss around getting a matching container and lid. I can do it in a matter of seconds.

But, I just thought of another idea. Take a permanent marker, and on the outside od each container and lid, put a number, by size/brand. On one matched set, but a number "1" and repeat on all the others that match that set. Do the same on all your containers.

It will take 30 minutes, or maybe more, but in the future, you just pull out a container/lid set with matching numbers. Just like color coding, but using numbers.

Good idea. However, some folks may not like the idea of marking up their containers and lids.
How about a Marks-A-Lot marker.

I haven't seen Marks A Lot markers in years. I thought that those were called Sharpie now. I just checked, and no, they are not made by the same company. The Sharpies are usually quite good and the ones I have say that they are permanent markers. They usually are, but not around food. They do tend to be permanent elsewhere. It does come off with alcohol, but almost all ink does. If you have any Marks A Lot markers and some rubbing alcohol handy, would you please do me a favour and see if alcohol will take it off? Of course, it should be something that you don't mind having permanently marked, if it won't come off.

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