Controlling dietary sodium

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I honestly don't know the validity of this, but I have always been told that food high in potassium lowers blood pressure by countering the effects of sodium.

It depends on your reason for reducing sodium. My doctor told me not to supplement my diet with potassium, due to the reason I was cutting sodium... my kidneys.

Ask your doctor before switching to potassium over sodium.

A no-brainer is to avoid foods that are pickled, fermented, cured, brined, etc.
But, those are so tasty. I look in my fridge at sauces and olives and sigh. Sure, I use hot sauces,which tend to be high in Na, but I carefully measure out how much. Oh, look half a tsp is adventurous. And how do you measure stuff that comes in bottles like Tabasco? I tried. There were little red spots all over from Tabasco that had missed the measuring spoon. Ya gotta give Tabasco a serious shake to get it out.
I have a pain? I go to my GP - the moment he "refers" me to another doc - I just say "No"

I've never been hooked on Heroin I've just said "No". I hope to never get hooked on doctor's as I'll just say "No".

If I can find the time
I'll make my own rhyme
Might take me a day
or so
To help you to say
just 'No'
I have a pain? I go to my GP - the moment he "refers" me to another doc - I just say "No"

I've never been hooked on Heroin I've just said "No". I hope to never get hooked on doctor's as I'll just say "No".

If I can find the time
I'll make my own rhyme
Might take me a day
or so
To help you to say
just 'No'

I think you are going too far with no more doctors. I tell my doctors I don't want opioid pain killers, and they comply. But, I am always open to a new doctor who may have a different view on my treatment. That's how I found my current Hepatologist, and she made an enormous difference.

ahh com'on @caseydog you have to take everything I say with a grain of salt, ok?
that was brought on by the video just before.

You retire and expect to be able to enjoy your chosen leisure but instead you spend more time in doctor's offices than you ever did when working.
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