Converting PDFs to Word?

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
I've been using Nitro as it was free. Now suddenly you can only convert at odd times, don't know why. I don't use it enough to warrant purchasing it.

I save my CMT recipes as a PDF - save it in my recipe files in Word Documents.
I don't care how they show, much prefer to change them to look like their original one in CMT.
It is complicated for me to edit them in PDF- the few times I figure it out is too frustrating - don't remember for the next time.

When I save them in Word I don't need the internet to access them.

Any suggestions?
I just copied text from a .pdf into a new Pages (built in WP on all Macs) and it worked very well. To make it just like the .pdf file, I'd have to spend a few minutes fixing a few formation glitches, but it was a recipe .pdf, and it was useable as-is.

Can you copy and paste into Word?

To easily edit .pdf files in Acrobat, you need the full Adobe Acrobat software, which costs money in the form of a subscription, and requires an internet connection to use (part of Adobe CC (Creative Cloud)).

If you can copy/pasta into Word, that will beed good enough... and free.

PDF file and edit it in Word

Tip: The conversion works best with documents that are mostly text.

In Word, click File > Open.

Browse to the location of the PDF file on your computer and click Open.

A message appears, stating that Word will convert the PDF file into an editable Word document. Click OK.

I just did it on my laptop. Converted a recipe saved as a PDF (NOT FROM CMT. Not sure were it came from.) to word. It was pretty easy. It even transferred the picture to the Word Doc.
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Are you trying to keep the formatting from CMT of your recipe? If not, you could download the recipe from Copy Me That as a .txt file and then download any pictures. Word can read .txt files, can't it?
I have the CMT app on my laptop. I can highlight text on CMT, copy it then paste it into a Word document.
I have the CMT app on my laptop. I can highlight text on CMT, copy it then paste it into a Word document.
I find that CMT won't let me copy the tags or my description of the recipe from the recipe view. And if I am looking at a scaled version of the recipe, it doesn't include that info or the warning near the instructions. You can see what I mean from this screenshot, where only some stuff is highlighted for a copy and paste.

Edited to say read the next comment. I noticed something.

Screenshot 2025-01-08 at 12-02-00 Waldorfsalat Copy Me That.png
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I decided to see what sorts of copy options CMT has when you click the "swooshy arrow" near the top right side of the web page. I clicked "Copy recipe to clipboard" It copied all of the text, with formatting. No pix, no tags. It also included some of those special character combos one uses with HTML, e.g., &quot and Don't
Consider copying it one section at a time.
It gets those parts. It still won't get the parts that wouldn't highlight.

But, I did discover how to get the whole thing with pictures, etc. except the tags. That share arrow lets you choose to get the recipe as an email. When I copy and paste that email into Libre Office Writer, it doesn't show any weird HTML codes. Since Libre Office Writer is compatible with Word, it should work with Word too.
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I've already done quite a few of the suggestions at one time or another and although some work it is a lot of go here, go there, come back, do again.
As mentioned Adobe (which I thought I had but evidently not & is a paid subscription) and necessary for editing a PDF document. Nitro is now fully a paid - no more freebies.
I like the format of the CMT and if possible like to keep it.
I did email a whole collection from CMT to myself but as you say taxy - it was all in text - made my eye blur.
Paste to window is easy to do but you can't edit inside the paste.

OK, I'll go back over everyone's suggestions and figure out which works best for me.

Thanks guys!
I think having CMT email the recipe to you is what makes the recipe easiest to copy into Word and to edit it.
I think having CMT email the recipe to you is what makes the recipe easiest to copy into Word and to edit it.
I just tried this on my laptop. The ingredients are in a bulleted list and the steps are in a numbered list. I am not allowed to remove the bullets or the numbers. I can edit the text.
I find that CMT won't let me copy the tags or my description of the recipe from the recipe view. And if I am looking at a scaled version of the recipe, it doesn't include that info or the warning near the instructions. You can see what I mean from this screenshot, where only some stuff is highlighted for a copy and paste.

Edited to say read the next comment. I noticed something.

View attachment 72274

Hmmm, on a Mac, using Pages, everything gets copied, sometimes even things I don't want.

I just tried this on my laptop. The ingredients are in a bulleted list and the steps are in a numbered list. I am not allowed to remove the bullets or the numbers. I can edit the text.
Same in Libre Office. I think that looks fine, but if you want the formatting to be different, it's a problem.
Now I have to wonder if not being able to copy some of it is a Windog problem.

Do you mean copy from the PDF or copy from the Website?

Copy from the .pdf. I tested it before my post on the topic, and it worked for me, with some minor formatting glitches.

Copying from a web site brings up another problem. The links in the web text gets embedded in your Word document.

@dragnlaw, what do you do to save your recipes on CMT as PDFs? Do you just print to PDF? Do you want to make changes to the layout or format in some other way?
I've already done quite a few of the suggestions at one time or another and although some work it is a lot of go here, go there, come back, do again.
As mentioned Adobe (which I thought I had but evidently not & is a paid subscription) and necessary for editing a PDF document. Nitro is now fully a paid - no more freebies.
I like the format of the CMT and if possible like to keep it.
I did email a whole collection from CMT to myself but as you say taxy - it was all in text - made my eye blur.
Paste to window is easy to do but you can't edit inside the paste.

OK, I'll go back over everyone's suggestions and figure out which works best for me.

Thanks guys!

Adobe Acrobat Reader is free. The full featured Adobe Acrobat CC is part of the Adobe CC family, and requires a subscription, as do all Adobe products.

The full suite of Adobe CC software is required to anyone working professionally with digital photography and graphic design. I pay out the a$$ for the whole creative suite, only because I have to.


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