COVID19 Vaccinations-How's It Going?

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
The news seems to suggest the progress in administering vaccinations is sketchy at best. Some states are doing it well and others not so well.

I live in MA and last night they were ranked 43rd in the country in getting the vaccine into peoples' arms. A couple of days ago our governor announced a change in the distribution policy with the flow of vaccine increasing. Starting yesterday (1/27), seniors over 75 YO could begin getting shots.

Despite all the doom and gloom on the local news about how it's impossible to get an appointment, I logged on and got an appointment for next Tuesday for my first shot.

I'm curious what experiences have been in other locations. Care to share?
I’m not eligible yet. Plus I already was sick with it....

I don’t think I’ll be able to get one until the spring.

I’m very surprised at the chaos here in Massachusetts. We are generally a leader in these things.
I’m not eligible yet. Plus I already was sick with it....

I don’t think I’ll be able to get one until the spring.

I’m very surprised at the chaos here in Massachusetts. We are generally a leader in these things.

I thought the Gov. handled the earlier part of this situation very well. Things have deteriorated with the vaccine distribution.
I got my first vaccine a month ago from Public Health, they were getting employees in nursing homes first. The residents got their first two weeks ago. Got my second yesterday. County is rolling out the first dose starting today at the Nat'l Guard Armory for those over 75 in the community. Town was full of cars and people.
New Mexico has been on top of the Covid situation since day 1. Our Governor, Michelle Luhan Grisham, was under consideration for Secretary of Health and Human Services in the new administration. On Jan. 6th, I registered with the NM Dept. of Health to be put on the list for the first available shot when I am eligible. I saw my doc on Tuesday and he said to expect a call from mid March to early April. Not exactly around the corner.
I'm eligible because I am immunocompromised. I signed up on the state department of health website and am waiting to be notified when I can get it. My city's department of health has the vaccine, so hopefully soon. Meanwhile, I'm pretty much staying home.
MN is messed up royally. To cover up their inability to govern, they came up with this "wonderful" idea of having a lottery. The whole 18 000 people out of 5 000 000 plus some change population, would be chosen to give vaccine. What a joke. I am not even hopping until summer, or even fall. Hope I'm wrong though.
Florida is a cluster f?&%.

My county, and some others, have a lottery. We have 103,000 folks old enough to register, but 144,000 are registered. We seem to get about 1,000 doses per week. I could wait 144 weeks at this rate.
Some counties have their own wait lists. Sign up online or by phone and they call you when you're up. Sarasota county has 120,000 on the wait list.
Some counties use the state's registration system, Call in and leave your birthdate, phone number, and zip code. The response is we'll call you when your county has doses available. If your county isn't participating they don't mention that - just "we'll call you".

Some counties have been handed over to Publix Pharmacy. A couple days a week, at 6:00 a.m. it's an online free for all to try to get an appointment through their website.

You can sign up in any/all counties, which is why there are more people signed up than there are residents. Plus, until this week, you didn't have to even be a US resident to sign up here. They were flying in from South America for vaccines. You just keep trying to nab an appointment anywhere you can.

Our governor spent most of last year telling us it would all go away (sound familiar). To date, Florida has received 2.9 MM doses, and only administered 1.5 MM of them. Yet no one can tell us where the rest of the doses are and when they'll be released. When the administration said they will come down and help, his response is "we're doing fine, we don't need you".
My BIL who is 79 yo got a call yesterday from the NMDOH to schedule his first shot, in two weeks. The appt is late in the afternoon so my sister is going with him in case doses are being given to whomever is on site. She said many of her friends are just showing up at vaccine sites late in the day and have gotten shots needing to be used. Me, I'm waiting for my call.
Seems like my town is on top of things. I easily made an appointment the other day. Got a call today to change the appt. because of a pending snowstorm. Now I'm going Thursday instead of Tuesday.
I think one reason for the distribution problems is that the previous administration did not have as many doses as they said they did, and did not tell states how many they would get or when they would get it. It's impossible to plan when and where and how to accomplish vaccinating people when you don't have that basic information.
Seems like my town is on top of things. I easily made an appointment the other day. Got a call today to change the appt. because of a pending snowstorm. Now I'm going Thursday instead of Tuesday.
Our town was actually mentioned by name on Boston10/NBC earlier this week as having a link on the town's website for scheduling appointments. Surprised me, since we're too rural to make the Boston news. In spite of all the news reports on TV, I tend to think most of the issues are in the bigger cities. I think the smaller towns have an easier time of tailoring vaccine scheduling on a smaller scale.

I haven't signed up yet since I'm too young (hardly :rolleyes:, but for vaccination purposes I am). I'm also waiting until Himself goes for his and I can see what kind of reaction he has to it. Like my own personal lab rat. :LOL:
This week the county unveiled a lottery system where you can enter your information into a database and your name will be selected at random as the vaccine becomes available. The system has 10,000 slots and it was full in 90 minutes.

Yesterday they opened the system with an additional 800-900 slots for telephone applicants and they were gone within minutes.

I'm actually hoping that the new although less effective Johnson & Johnson single-shot vaccine will eventually be available at my local pharmacy for walk-ins. IMO that would be safer than going into one of these mass vaccination events where you are surrounded by hundreds of people and waiting for hours to get a simple jab.
I am biting at the bit to get it, and VA is doing a lack luster job making it happen. I'm on the list with the county, my city and kaiser. Hopefully between the 3 I'll get that golden phone call.
Personally, I would like to see what the longer term side effects are. Also, I'm supposedly eligible to get the first dose some time, starting in mid-March, since I am in priority group 6 - age 70-79. However, I am not happy about the Quebec government's clever idea of postponing the second dose, so they can get more people vaccinated sooner. They have notions, but no studies. I would be less skeptical of being a guinea pig, if I knew for sure that they were going to use the data for scientific study of this experiment on the population. Enough of this semi-political rant. I haven't really decided when I will be willing to get vaccinated. (when, not if)
Personally, I would like to see what the longer term side effects are. Also, I'm supposedly eligible to get the first dose some time, starting in mid-March, since I am in priority group 6 - age 70-79. However, I am not happy about the Quebec government's clever idea of postponing the second dose, so they can get more people vaccinated sooner. They have notions, but no studies. I would be less skeptical of being a guinea pig, if I knew for sure that they were going to use the data for scientific study of this experiment on the population. Enough of this semi-political rant. I haven't really decided when I will be willing to get vaccinated. (when, not if)
Tens of thousands of people participated in the clinical trials. The reason why these vaccine trials went so fast is because the approvals for developing vaccines, recruiting and running trials and funding were accelerated. These are generally why previous vaccines took many years to develop. You can read more about this type of vaccine here.

Around one third of people who are infected with Covid-19 suffer serious organ damage and long-term disease. I'd rather avoid that.
Tens of thousands of people participated in the clinical trials. The reason why these vaccine trials went so fast is because the approvals for developing vaccines, recruiting and running trials and funding were accelerated. These are generally why previous vaccines took many years to develop. You can read more about this type of vaccine here.

Around one third of people who are infected with Covid-19 suffer serious organ damage and long-term disease. I'd rather avoid that.

I'm not too worried about catching C-19. I have barely been out of my house since 2020-03-12. I can stay home until there is more data. I understand the the short term side effects have been properly studied. But, there aren't any studies about the effects half a year or a year after the vaccine, yet. Also, as far as I have been able to ascertain, there haven't been any published results from studies of only using single dose of the vaccine, like they are doing in Quebec. They have said that they will follow the recommended schedule, if the companies threaten to stop selling it to us, if we don't follow the schedule.
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