I use this recipe: The potatoes are started in cold oil.
Generally speaking, a good soaking in cold water will remove quite a bit of the starch. If I am planning ahead for fries, I will soak them for a couple hours in the fridge with some white vinegar added to the water.
I soak mine in ice cold water for 30 mins, drain and dry with clean dishtowel. Fry till just cooked remove for 5 mins, then put them back in the hot oil till golden and crisp.
To taste I guess. Just enough to give the water a vinegar flavor, which usually isn't much. Maybe a couple oz vinegar per qt of water if I was to guess.
Ok but after the 5 min of frying do you let them cool down completly?
I let them cool for about 10 mins. Works like a charm!
Ok thanks!
I have posted this before, my dead uncle from Georgia Russia taught me 45yrs ago how to make Beef Stroganoff and the ultra crisp french fries that traditionally go with it.
The spud are hung in a net in a dark warm place till they have shrunk and wrinkled, the starch has then turn to sugar so when you fry them the sugars caramelize and form a golden crisp skin with a fluffy inside, the chip should snap
Ps if you want my uncles beef strog recipe I will post it.
This I'm gonna try also.
But how long approximately the potatoes should hang like that?
And you also fry them 2 times?
Also I'm very interested in the Beef Stroganoff recipe from your uncle.