Sous Chef
I don't know how you think I read too fast. I went to the sites provided and they listed the walnut boards starting at $100. That's just not something feasible for a single mother that just wants her knives to stay in decent condition.
The $100 - $1600 was what I found when I googled Sani-Tuff. I could only go by what I found when I did a search; it didn't have anything to do with reading too fast. I researched according to information provided. This was the first site I went to and where I got my numbers for the Sani-Tuff.
First of all, I only referenced one site and that was BoardSmith. When I pulled up your reference it turns out that many of the item prices are for cases of 2 to 12, not individual boards, so perhaps I'm correct re: your reading speed.
Mine is 15x20x1/2 and here is the listing for that board on the site you provided:
$128.45 case our price QTY:
ITEM NUM: EK159905 WT: 18 lbs
DESCRIPTION: Teknor Apex Sani-Tuff Rubber Cutting Board, 15 x 20 x 1/2 inch -- 3 per case
MANUFACTURER: Teknor Apex MAN. ID: 159-905
It comes out to $13 more per board than the reference in my previous post so they're a little expensive.