December is here

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Senior Cook
Dec 2, 2014
December is here so I know lots of people will be planning and shopping and saving and preparing for the holiday feasts and dinners.
Before everyone starts having to ask for ideas I thought maybe we had some tips to help through the season.

One thing I do is I know my sister is busy with all her kids so I do some baking. Apple cinnamon is seasonal and a favourite for me. But I make loaf breads, etc. simple easy to batch out and freeze without taking up too much space. Then when she has a crowd just pop in over the holidays that she’s not expecting she can just pull it out and warm it up to serve. Saves her some work and stress.

Dollar store Christmas tins with cookies do the same job.
That is a very nice idea! Thank you!

Back when drop by visitors were more of a thing, I would keep quick dip/spread items to whip together for snacks. Now days, I can salsa in the summer, so I have that to offer with chips or veggies.
That is a very nice idea! Thank you!

Back when drop by visitors were more of a thing, I would keep quick dip/spread items to whip together for snacks. Now days, I can salsa in the summer, so I have that to offer with chips or veggies.
Yes Covid did knock down the pop ins but they used to be big
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