Deep fried Cadbury cream eggs

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 12, 2011
Heard this on a radio show this morn. Apparently battered. Sounds absolutely wonderful, although the cream eggs are great on their own and provide 800% of your daily fat and calories. Anyone else heard of this, and rec for the batter?
LOL! In Iowa we deep fry everything. I would imagine it would be like a Cadbury Creme Egg corn dog.
Heard this on a radio show this morn. Apparently battered. Sounds absolutely wonderful, although the cream eggs are great on their own and provide 800% of your daily fat and calories. Anyone else heard of this, and rec for the batter?
Dawg in the UK this all started in a chippy in Scotland with the deep fried mars bar,the batter that they use is the same as for fish and chips.
I still hold the munchies record from years ago for eating the non battered variety, I ate 14 in one hour:LOL:
Yeah, funnel cake batter is what is usually used for fried sweets.

I was on Freemont street in Vegas a couple weeks ago, eating fried oreos and a fried twinkie. I sat there eating it at a slot machine, thinking "have I hit culinary rock bottom"? :LOL:
Funnel cake batter. At the Gwinnett Braves stadium by my house they deep fry oreos and twinkies using funnel cake batter. Oreos are amazing... Twinkies, not so much.
EWWW! Cadbury creme eggs are perfect waste of good chocolate - deep fried, i can't imagine the yuck!
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