Dinner 2015, May the 4th...

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
...be with you. ;)

It's going to be in the 80's and we don't have all our screens in yet. To keep cool, we'll be having a huge dinner salad each. Ingredients to be finalized, but I do have a couple of cooked eggs and I'm defrosting a few shrimp in the refrigerator as I type.

What will you be having? Certainly not rotisseried wookiee!:ohmy:
May the 4th be with you too, CG. Thanks for the belly laugh.

It's way too early to decide for me. I have so much food after my monthly shopping spree, dinner could go in any direction.

I soaked some large limas overnight, so I should be able to get that nasty peel off sometime today. So that's going to get cooked sometime later today. I know that one is on the list of meals.

In keeping with the soup theme, I have a batch of Kathleen's Onion Soup already made and it's calling to me, so that's another thing I'll have some of.

Dinner...i'll have to come back later when I can decide.
Not quite sure what I am having. I really need to get the grill cleaned since it is starting to get really warm here and we don't have the air conditioning in yet. I was thinking of maybe just pan frying some turkey burgers and making a salad to go with it.
Homemade chicken noddle soup. We have carrots, green beans, fennel, potatoes fresh, corn in the freezer so don't know what combo we'll end up with yet. Probably a green and/or red bell pepper too in the fridge.
I have the start up for a good salad-- romaine, baby tomatoes, a hunk of blue cheese and a half of a half chix breast (ok so I was nibbling). If it's not too ripe, I will slice in an avocado too. That might be it, I can whip up a vinaigrette and make ez garlic toast.

And the best part, my SIL sent home a big piece of chocolate cake no one cut into when we were visiting with them last week.
Oops, I forgot about the gazpacho I made yesterday with two of the most perfectly ripe Haas avocados. I checked the other two avocados and they were ready too, so I made a second quart.

I especially love Gazpacho. I usually have a few bites when I need a snack.

Between Kathleen's Onion Soup, Gazpacho, and Butterbeans, I'm having a souper Monday today.
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I have some Italian sausage ravioli. That'll be dinner with a simple tomato sauce and a salad.
I got the ingredients for this plus asparagus and a tossed baby spring greens salad.


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Spelunked some frozen lasagna. One of my fave sayings, May the fourth be with you!
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Potluck tonight. The Virginia Choral Society (of which I am a member) is having their annual meeting to elect officers for the next year. Our "year" runs August to May. We just finished up the last concerts of this season yesterday. Tonight we get to party! I'm taking an orange fluff salad. Not sure what else will be there but it will be fun!
Broiled salmon filet, fresh green beans with sliced almonds and onions, and garlic toast.

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