Dinner Thursday, January 23, 2025?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
French toast casserole with brioche bread, mixed melons, and breakfast sausage cooked in the oven.
Sweet Italian sausage, bell peppers (green, red, orange, and yellow), onions, crushed tomatoes, fresh garlic, fresh basil, burgundy wine, and ground red pepper flakes. Seeded Italian bread, not pictured, on the side to dip.

I made my mum's French omelette, but added cheese curds and sliced scallion. I had the rest of yesterday's roasted root veggies. Oh yeah, I had some bacon lardons that needed to be used. I fried those first and left the bacon fat in the skillet to fry the omelette.

2025-01-23 French omelette with cheese curds and scallions, lardons, and roasted root veggies.jpg
Must say I'm super impressed with the Sweet Red Peppers I've been getting lately. Still sweet after almost a week! But I digress...

Nibbled on some slices of Sweet Red Pepper and cauliflower while watching "Frozen".

Barely a quarter into the movie when my granddaughter was called upstairs for supper. So I ended up watching the whole thing by myself - hadn't remember half of it. She, of course, knew exactly what was coming up next. LOL.
Later on I grabbed the last half piece of the sausage from the other night - ate it out of hand.
I'm good!

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