Chief Eating Officer
Do you have any fried chicken back there? I have a serious craving! By the way, I love what you have done with the place, and sorry about the bathroom
How about right next to GB. I could change my screen name to Normronjohn55 said:Hmmm, the lunch crowd is probably going to be rolling in soon, get ready for the rush!
DS - where does a Bender unit go to hook up some kegs of homebrew? You want them behind the bar or in the cooler?
-DEADLY SUSHI- said:Well Bender unit..... LOL! We have a seperate granite bar on the other wall. ;-) I was hopping you would bring that up! Care to be bartend for a few hours???
Alix said:I'll do the bar for a bit.
Heres that peach margarita and the ice cream pdswife. Can someone figure out what the heck a canteen is and make that turkey sandwich for thier? BTW, Hi thier, missed you around here. Be with you in a sec.