Dove - message for you

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Chef Extraordinaire
Feb 21, 2002
North Carolina
Hi Dove,

I am still at my friend's today - I'm sorry. I will call you tomorrow - if she has gone home I will take the plant there - what a weekend!!!! At least I can get on her computer when the little one goes down and the other two aren't hanging on me (but I like it so that's ok - the 4-year old has always called me Minky 8) )
Elf has so gracelessly offered to pot a Mother-in-Laws plant (sometimes called a Snake Plant) for me to take to DH's sister in the hospital. She had surgery last week for Colon cancer at age 85.

The story (here we go again..) behind the plant is that I gave my MIL one Many Many years ago. When she had to go live with Jen (the one in the hospital) she moved it with her. That plant stayed in the family for Years.
I mentioned that I was thinking about sending a plant and Elf said "I'll take care of it for you and save you all the extra charges..what do you have in mind?" When I told her she said "I have them growing all around my house!"So she offered to re-pot one and take it to Jen on our behalf.

Elf is helping out another friend right now so the plant can wait..
I just tried to call Elf to tell her to take a day off if she was at home..she needs to rest. She didn't answer so she is off and running or still babysitting.
She will make contact when she can.
I'm home I'm home I'm home I'm home!!!!!!!!!!!! I got your message here at the house - my cell phone wasn't charged. I'll call you either later tonight or early afternoon my time tomorrow.
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