Egg prices - OMG!

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Yes just double the 3 T water and 1 T Ground Flax seed. Mix them and give them 5 minutes to sit and become sticky. It will stick things together, like in cookies. But it won't help anything rise. I've also made a fruit/nut bread mostly fruit and nuts, and very little WW flour with ground flax/water to hold it together.
Do you think the hydrated flax seeds would work like an egg wash? I don't mean to make a pie crust or a loaf of bread shiny. I mean the kind of egg wash one uses to stick bread crumbs to food.
Do you think the hydrated flax seeds would work like an egg wash? I don't mean to make a pie crust or a loaf of bread shiny. I mean the kind of egg wash one uses to stick bread crumbs to food.
Yes they would stick bread crumbs to food. Grind the flax seeds. Whole seeds don't digest well, they go straight through w/o breaking down. I don't know what happens with whole seeds and water. I grind mine in a coffee grinder.
I haven’t found eggs to be that pricey around here but bacon sure is

And a package of celery was $4 a few weeks ago!
Bacon prices are ridiculous. Bought a pound this past week and the cheapest pack I could find was $5.

As for egg prices, I haven't noticed how much they are at my local grocer because I don't really go through eggs that quickly, so it's been a while since I've bought any.
Bacon prices are ridiculous. Bought a pound this past week and the cheapest pack I could find was $5.

As for egg prices, I haven't noticed how much they are at my local grocer because I don't really go through eggs that quickly, so it's been a while since I've bought any.

Four big corporations, JBS, Hormel, WH Group (China), and Tyson control about 67% of the pork market. They made a fortune off of Covid-19. Retail prices went up, but the price farmers got paid was the same. Greedflation. Don't hold your breath waiting for the price of bacon to go down.

Tyson, Cargill, National Beef and JBS (Brazil), now control 85% of the U.S. beef market.

Tyson and Pilgrims Pride control about 45% of the chicken market.


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Four big corporations, JBS, Hormel, WH Group (China), and Tyson control about 67% of the pork market. They made a fortune off of Covid-19. Retail prices went up, but the price farmers got paid was the same. Greedflation. Don't hold your breath waiting for the price of bacon to go down.

Tyson, Cargill, National Beef and JBS (Brazil), now control 85% of the U.S. beef market.

Tyson and Pilgrims Pride control about 45% of the chicken market.


Not surprised.

Luckily I don't go through that much bacon, so I only need to buy it maybe once every 6 months. I buy a pack, then freeze it in 2-slice portions, dump it all into a zipper bag and toss it into my chest freezer.

The most I use bacon for is BLT sandwiches.
I have gotten 16 to 20 oz packs of bacon for no more than $2.99, then vacuum sealed it in 4-6 oz packs, to freeze. I don't use it that frequently, and usually only in soups. The price fluctuates greatly, and, like eggs, when the prices go way back up, I refuse to buy it!
Yes they would stick bread crumbs to food. Grind the flax seeds. Whole seeds don't digest well, they go straight through w/o breaking down. I don't know what happens with whole seeds and water. I grind mine in a coffee grinder.
Oh yeah, I know about flax needing to ground for the nutrients to be available. I suppose one could chew them long enough, but who has the patience. I just wrote flax seeds because I was too lazy to write out ground flax seeds every time. I thought about just calling it flax, but that's the word for the fibre, the one that linen is made from.

Thanks for the info. I would prefer that to using an entire egg to bread enough for one serving when it would have been enough for four servings. And I really don't see the point in saving 3/4 of an egg and waiting for an opportunity to use that. I don't need more science experiments in my fridge.
I go thru a lot of eggs. Even with 'One Dish Kitchen' baking she gives idea's for the other part of the egg to be used.
But I also keep on hand a carton of egg whites. I use that to coat foods for coating. They actually keep for quite a long time. When I think I'm pushing the limit time wise I add them to some scrambled eggs. Delish!
I've also been wanting to make some meringues only it has been so damp, I'm reluctant.
I go thru a lot of eggs. Even with 'One Dish Kitchen' baking she gives idea's for the other part of the egg to be used.
But I also keep on hand a carton of egg whites. I use that to coat foods for coating. They actually keep for quite a long time. When I think I'm pushing the limit time wise I add them to some scrambled eggs. Delish!
I've also been wanting to make some meringues only it has been so damp, I'm reluctant.
You can make them, but have to store them in a sealed container with rice. That's what I have to do considering it's almost always humid here.
I wait for bacon to go on BOGO here, which means around $5 here for nice, thick cut bacon. I cut them in the middle, bag and freeze. Then, I can pull out 1 of the half packages, let it thaw for an hour or so just enough to pull off a chunk of several half pieces, then put the rest back in the freezer. It doesn't hurt the bacon at all to do that.
@medtran49 Thanks for the rice tip on meringue!
I wait for bacon to come on sale as well. Most bacon here is about $8.00 per 350 gr. But if you have patience and get lucky I can find the 450 gr for 3 - 5 $$. I also only get the lightly salted stuff and NO maple smoke please!
I cut in half, then divide into 2 packages of both sides = about 6/7 full slices per pkg. Freeze them.
If you want bacon prices to go down, stop buying bacon and the price will go down based on the basic economy principals, no demand, price goes down.
You can thank all the vegetarians and vegans for not buying it now, keeping the prices lower. Without them, the price would be even higher.
Bacon and eggs could break the bank!

This is the current SALE price for a pound of bacon at ShopRite. Regular price $8.15.

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Like many products, I have been very lucky to have “taken” my suppliers with me since I left the hospitality industry. So, I built relationships within my work and lots of them are happy to supply me with home quantities that they normally wouldn’t be selling at that level.
I have a lovely family who operate a small shop that has only recently moved into the retail market, but they have been supplying restaurants with free range farm eggs for decades. The eggs are stunning and so fresh! They farm 20000 eggs per week, but all with the very best farm practices and sustainability.
Perhaps surprisingly, the prices are not sky high - a few dollars more than the anaemic garbage that the big supermarket chains pass off.
I’m happy, for sure, so if you can find a decent small supplier of fresh farmed eggs, please support them and enjoy the superior quality and taste.
I have gotten 16 to 20 oz packs of bacon for no more than $2.99, then vacuum sealed it in 4-6 oz packs, to freeze. I don't use it that frequently, and usually only in soups. The price fluctuates greatly, and, like eggs, when the prices go way back up, I refuse to buy it!
They come in 10 oz packs for $10 now
Hi, you have a great story and are super lucky about your situation. But I will disagree with your statement "the anaemic garbage that the big supermarket chains pass off." Here in Boston, all the big chains have fabulous organic tasty cage free eggs. They are more expensive but the quality is very noticeably higher. Here in Boston, i shop at farmers markets all the time and there never eggs for sale....
Yeah, bacon here is out of sight, too. I usually get the 12oz packages and even those run me almost $5 each. Safeway used to have sales in their 3lb packages which were really reasonable, but I haven't seen a sale on bacon for ages.
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