Egg prices - OMG!

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They farm 20000 eggs per week, but all with the very best farm practices and sustainability.
Wow... that is some farm! 20,000 divided by 7 = 2,857 a day which means they have probably 3,000 chickens. Dat's a lotta cluckers! LOL.

You are so lucky, I'm a wee bit envious! I miss my chickens and my geese!
They come in 10 oz packs for $10 now
I haven't seen those - mostly in 12 oz packs around here, which is why I was surprised to see those 20 oz packs in lidl! Limit of 4 when I stocked up on it, but that was a generous addition to what I had in the freezer. I don't even look at the 12 oz packs.
Wow... that is some farm! 20,000 divided by 7 = 2,857 a day which means they have probably 3,000 chickens. Dat's a lotta cluckers! LOL.

You are so lucky, I'm a wee bit envious! I miss my chickens and my geese!
Yes, I thought that too but I have been to their facility and it is accurate. What I didn’t know was that they actually have four separate farms in the area and a central sorting plant.
All are run by the family and they employ many of the local community.
Yes. As you might imagine, Australia has a lot of unpopulated land and a very large farming industry. So these farms are about an hour from my town and it’s completely rural, but very close for farm-to-table business models.
Sad to notice that the price of eggs/dozen in Battle Ground, WA are 2 bucks higher than the price at the same Chain store in Vancouver, WA. What's up with that? Of course, this particular "Chain" was recently sued for charging different prices than are posted.... :unsure: - And the store lost and had to pony up some bucks!
Age: It's not the years. It's the mileage.

I saw an ad for a place called the Grocery Outlet. Evidently these are family-owned franchises. I decided to check out the one near me. Prices were on-par with Aldis. The produce section seemed better, and they had a nice selection of cheeses, etc. Egg prices ranged according to size from around 2 dollars to 5. Milk was $1.98/half gallon (1.89 liters.)
there yuh go... a picture's worth a thousand words.
Age: It's not the years. It's the mileage.

I saw an ad for a place called the Grocery Outlet. Evidently these are family-owned franchises. I decided to check out the one near me. Prices were on-par with Aldis. The produce section seemed better, and they had a nice selection of cheeses, etc. Egg prices ranged according to size from around 2 dollars to 5. Milk was $1.98/half gallon (1.89 liters.)
We have a couple of Grocery Outlets in our area here and wuzza, wuzza, another one is going to be built in my own little bitty home town! They're breaking ground for it now. We'll now have 3 grocery stores.

But - and there is a but to this - Grocery Outlet flows to its own rhymes and reasons. What is there one week may not be there for the next 51 weeks. Their produce leaves a lot to be desired, too. But when they have sales, they have sales. I remember when they had 8oz of Kerrygold butter on sale for $1.99 each once, limit was 2 to a customer. So naturally, I went back four times. Then they had big boxes of tempura shrimp on sale. Maybe a couple pounds worth for only $4.99. And even better, now we'll be getting a flyer for them in our mail (our area was too far out for that previously) so if our store is out of something, I'll know to get it at another bigger store. `

Speaking of milk, has anyone looked at the amount of milk they're getting in half gallon sizes lately? I noticed a very popular milk here in the Puget Sound is now selling milk in 58oz containers insted of 64oz containers. For the same price of course. Another shrinkflation item. I just end up buying two quarts for almost the same price.
Oh, just had to brag about this. I made scrambled eggs today and decided to test my theory of heating the pan. I heated that (enamel over cast iron) pan on high for 5 straight minutes and then threw in the butter and the whipped eggs and didn't turn down the heat. The eggs came out of that pan in 45 seconds and left it as clean as a whistle. Next up tomorrow? Omelettes. With bacon and cheese.
I went to the laundromat this morning and had breakfast at Taco Bell, so no omelettes. But when I do, I'll let you all know the result.
At our local (non-chain) market today, I noticed that the local candy maker had small "boxes" for sale. 5 pieces to a box, for $10.99!! The candies are not even 1-inch square pieces. One bite, $2+/bucks each. Wow!

I don't count "luxury" items, like chocolates, as groceries, so they can charge as much as they can get for their goods.

When Dr. Oz was running for the Senate he did an interview where he talked about inflation, and bemoaned the price of canapés. Yeah, he lost. :ROFLMAO:

At our local (non-chain) market today, I noticed that the local candy maker had small "boxes" for sale. 5 pieces to a box, for $10.99!! The candies are not even 1-inch square pieces. One bite, $2+/bucks each. Wow!
The local Wegman’s has many products like that, it’s like navigating a mine field but the basic values are available if you stay strong and avoid temptation.
I don't really need to be frugal, but it is in my DNA. My dad could pinch a penny with the best. He went too far with frugality, often buying inferior products just save a few bucks.

Never overlook store brands. Yes, some store brand items suck, but there are a lot of good ones, and you can save a lot of money buying them. Kroger has some good ones, and their Simple Truth Organic products have been pretty consistently very good. I buy their dairy products almost exclusively, including eggs.

I am really picky about bacon, so I splurge on that, but almost all of the canned beans and vegetables I buy are store brand. That and cheese. Store brand snack foods (like cookies, chips and granola bars) are way less expensive than the name brand equivalents -- sometimes half the price.

My sister is a coupon clipper, but those coupons are for big name brand items. Even with the coupons, she is paying more for her groceries than I do for the same items, store brand, without a coupon.

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