I don't really need to be frugal, but it is in my DNA. My dad could pinch a penny with the best. He went too far with frugality, often buying inferior products just save a few bucks.
Never overlook store brands. Yes, some store brand items suck, but there are a lot of good ones, and you can save a lot of money buying them. Kroger has some good ones, and their Simple Truth Organic products have been pretty consistently very good. I buy their dairy products almost exclusively, including eggs.
I am really picky about bacon, so I splurge on that, but almost all of the canned beans and vegetables I buy are store brand. That and cheese. Store brand snack foods (like cookies, chips and granola bars) are way less expensive than the name brand equivalents -- sometimes half the price.
My sister is a coupon clipper, but those coupons are for big name brand items. Even with the coupons, she is paying more for her groceries than I do for the same items, store brand, without a coupon.