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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 12, 2011
Okay, I see this all the time on DC. What the heck does it mean? I googled it and got all sorts of industrial terminology websites.
Okay, I see this all the time on DC. What the heck does it mean? I googled it and got all sorts of industrial terminology websites.

Like sounds you make while trying to think of something to say:

Er... um... hmm....
Zhizara said:
Like sounds you make while trying to think of something to say:

Er... um... hmm....

Thanks! I thought it sounded kinda Scotts or Canadian. :ermm:
did ya ever hear a scottish terrier bark, dawg?

they say, "bairrrk, bairrrk,.....ach!" (trilling the rrr's)
Possible definitions for ermm include:

1. dip made from tempeh, plain yogurt and sesame tahini

2. cooking vessel used to bury pickles during fermentation, usually wood fired ceramic and unglazed

3. savory custard made from yak milk and tea. Usually eaten with rice.

4. the sound you make after reading 1 - 3

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I don't take it to mean "hmm". Hmm is more pondering, or wondering. Like you never heard of something before. I think the term hmm has a little bit "lighter" meaning than ermm. Ermm IMO is a wee bit antagonistic. Like instead of simply commenting on something, you are opening it up for debate, or trying to egg on a response so you can come back and refute it again.

For example:
Hmm, you eat brussels sprouts? I never had any that I liked.
Ermm, you eat brussels sprouts? How can you eat those rancid things? They taste like toe jam!!! Blech! Spit spit spit.

See, two different meanings.

buckytom said:
did ya ever hear a scottish terrier bark, dawg?

they say, "bairrrk, bairrrk,.....ach!" (trilling the rrr's)

Lol! BT, I have a beagle, she must be Canadian: "behehhhh behehhhh eh?". Haven't taught her to trill her rrr's yet, don't think she has any.

:rolf: :rolf:
pacanis said:
I don't take it to mean "hmm". Hmm is more pondering, or wondering. Like you never heard of something before. I think the term hmm has a little bit "lighter" meaning than ermm. Ermm IMO is a wee bit antagonistic. Like instead of simply commenting on something, you are opening it up for debate, or trying to egg on a response so you can come back and refute it again.

For example:
Hmm, you eat brussels sprouts? I never had any that I liked.
Ermm, you eat brussels sprouts? How can you eat those rancid things? They taste like toe jam!!! Blech! Spit spit spit.

See, two different meanings.


:ermm: thank goodness radishes have no resemblance to toe jam, or toe jelly or preserves, IMHO. Unlike brussels sprouts. Ya got me, Pac!

Janet, the yak milk and tea sounds good!
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I had a Canadian dog once :ermm:
He was missing two front teeth and would only play fetch in the winter, when he could slide the stick across the ice.

:neutral: hmm, I don't know if I should reply to this or not.
:mad: ermm, are you saying that all Canadians are missing teeth?

:angel: all in fun, all in fun ;)
pacanis said:
I had a Canadian dog once :ermm:
He was missing two front teeth and would only play fetch in the winter, when he could slide the stick across the ice.

:neutral: hmm, I don't know if I should reply to this or not.
:mad: ermm, are you saying that all Canadians are missing teeth?

:angel: all in fun, all in fun ;)

Wow! Glad I asked! No, she doesn't play hockey.

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LPBeier said:
Ermm, You making fun of us Canadians, eh? :ermm:

:ermm: I am half Canadian and proud of it, eh. Or as the beagle says,"behhh".
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ermm... we had a thread pulled?

Actually, I noticed the "My little secret" post went missing right as I tried to read it.

As for this thread, you guys are all just too funny. :LOL: I always figured ermm was like a cross between umm and errr. Kind of a questioning with maybe a mild bit of antagonism or snark.

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