Evening meal, Thursday May 23, 2013?

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Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
What's on everyone's table today?

I'm not certain what we're going to have. We've been invited to Glenn's daughter's house for dinner tonight. My guess is we'll cook something on the grill. I made Belgian-style Yeast Waffles we'll have as the base for strawberry shortcake. Local berries are in and sooooooo good this year.

Whatever we have, I know it will be good. The best part is we will have ample time to spend with the two granddaughters (one 6, the other 8) because they are done with "no more pencils; no more books; no more teacher's ugly looks." We can have fun and they can stay up a little later.
Bush's beans loaded up with bacon, hot dogs, onions and garlic. Served on buttered toast.
Last night we made beef schnitzel parmigiana and had them with hot spicy wedges, with sour cream and sweet chilli sauce...YUM!!
Okay, Okay, I'm getting off to "cook". (Oh, that's for Himself's benefit :LOL:) Trader Joe's stuffed flounder, Pillsbury Grands biscuits, and three separate fresh veggies: boiled Brussels sprouts, steamed broccoli, and sauteed zucchini. Gotta clean out 'cuz I shop tomorrow. Or maybe Saturday. Gotta be by then since the ad prices expire at 9:00PM
1-2-3 Jambalaya with chorizo, left over shredded chicken and some shrimp I found in the freezer. I'm just going to slice some cucumbers and tomato's to go along with it.
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Bush's beans loaded up with bacon, hot dogs, onions and garlic. Served on buttered toast.

rib stickin'good, wasn't it?

when i was a little kid, i remember telling my family thst i thought i'd be a good cowboy someday because i loved my mom's version of hot dogs, bacon, and canned beans. lol.

can i still be a cowboy? :)
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