Extremely Long Road Trip planned for the fall, Ideas welcome.

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+1 on the Custer Battlefield in Montana, Larry. If you have the time and want to stretch your legs a bit more, a little walk on the Lewis and Clark Trail is pretty awesome, too. And as Princess also mentioned, Glacier National Park! It is beautiful beyond belief.

Hoping you have a wonderful trip, and looking forward to hearing more about your itinerary. :)
Chicago! Eek! I just realized folks were steering you through the more crowded route. I'd avoid it like the plague -- then again, I'd be threading my way along rural highways once I reached Ohio to avoid cities and their delays.

My advice, for what it's worth, is to head out of NYC following I78 rather than I80, keep further south and don't join I-80 until Davenport, IA. Pick up I-90 at Sioux Falls and I-90 takes you right to Missoula.

One stop that's definitely worth it and is right on the interstate is Greycliff Prairie Dog Town State Park in the middle of Montana. Worth a quick stop.
Montana State Parks :: Greycliff Prairie Dog Town

Totally forgot about that!
WAY cool!
My list of things to do keeps growing and growing :) .
Luckily, he will be there at least 2 years, which means Ill likely do the trip 2 times, so whatever I don't tackle the first time, I'll do the second time.

Unfortunately, I can't take off an unlimited amount of time from work, so my time constraints will limit me. In addition, start/ finish points for each day will be relatively specific so i can get there when I need to be there. Also, I prefer not to drive at night. Because of this, some of the places just may not work out .

That being said, after doing it the first time, Ill consider myself an ' expert' and will be able to tweak the drive as I need to.
My list of things to do keeps growing and growing :) .
Luckily, he will be there at least 2 years, which means Ill likely do the trip 2 times, so whatever I don't tackle the first time, I'll do the second time.

Unfortunately, I can't take off an unlimited amount of time from work, so my time constraints will limit me. In addition, start/ finish points for each day will be relatively specific so i can get there when I need to be there. Also, I prefer not to drive at night. Because of this, some of the places just may not work out .

That being said, after doing it the first time, Ill consider myself an ' expert' and will be able to tweak the drive as I need to.

Whatever your schedule is, if you are stopping for food in Minneapolis or surrounding areas, let me know. I can always take an hour off my work and stop by to see you.
Whatever your schedule is, if you are stopping for food in Minneapolis or surrounding areas, let me know. I can always take an hour off my work and stop by to see you.

As things get closer, and the trip is more fine- tuned, ill get a better idea of where Ill be, when ill be there, and for how long.

Ill keep everyone posted.
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