A couple of years ago, we cooked a Waygu brisket, a Certified Angus Beef (not to be confused with plain-old Angus) brisket and a brisket from Wal-Mart side by side. All about 12 to 13 pounds. All were trimmed and seasoned as close to the same as we could. In the end, the CAB won out. The Waygu had a little better flavor, but the mough-feel was off, king of greasy, like you might expect from cold brisket, but it was still hot from the smoker.
We decided that if the price was close enough, we'd go with the CAB, but if it was anywhere close to double in price, the Wally-World brisket was very good. For competition, we'd probably go with the CAB, and unless someone else was buying the Waygu could stay where it was.
The group doing the tasting was new competition cooks, seasoned (and some very successful) competition cooks and varying degrees of experienced competition judges. The samples were served "blind" so that we didn't know which we were tasting and our "scores" were written down and then discussed.
Hope this helps.