File cabinet smoker

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I guess that's as good a place to use up all them wood chips ya bought by mistake, huh? Wonder what all that file cabinet paint will do to the taste of the food?

No thanks. That looks like too much time and money (that file cabinet didn't come with that expanded metal now did it?).
I realize this thread is WAAAYY old but I just stumbled across it today. This thing is a hoot! I like the ingenuity. Makes me think... here, hold my beer, watch this!

I just looked on YouTube and see that file cabinet smokers are a "thing." Here's a video of a 5-drawer smoker.
WOW, what a memory the file draws bring back. I can see walls lined on both sides and with the draw BAR locks down the front of one side. I wonder how many were made? not really.

Anyone other than me thinking about lawn Furniture and a large size throw down ground cover say in a 12' x 20'-foot? I can find them smaller but not this size and with colors. Anyone?

I've never have seen a file cabin smoker, but hey I'm sure someone could make it work with a little elbow work. haha maybe better as a grill? Well that is if the gases don't kill you first
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