Flavored vinegars

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Sous Chef
Apr 24, 2022
unincorporated area
We had some red wine left over from dinner last night, so I made red wine vinegar. Waste not, want not!
I also have dill vinegar, thyme vinegar, and red wine/basil vinegar in the pantry. They are used in marinades, and salad dressings. Anyone else make their own flavored vinegars?
I have some tarragon vinegar and some chive blossom vinegar that I made. I am working on my first ever batch of apple scrap vinegar.

What do you do to turn the red wine into red wine vinegar?
Taxlady, the red wine doesn't turn into vinegar, it is an ingredient in vinegar. I take a clean, clear bottle, fill it 1/3 with red wine, and 2/3 with white distilled vinegar. It needs to sit for at least two weeks, so I label the bottle with the date made.
I, too, have tarragon vinegar, and also dill vinegar. Now, please tell me about this apple scrap vinegar!
You can buy vinegar mother
That will turn wine into vinegar. Or sometimes an organic vinegar will show something almost like a scoby. That also works.
We had some red wine left over from dinner last night, so I made red wine vinegar. Waste not, want not!
I also have dill vinegar, thyme vinegar, and red wine/basil vinegar in the pantry. They are used in marinades, and salad dressings. Anyone else make their own flavored vinegars?
So…. You made vinegar from wine from last nights dinner ? Last night it was wine and this morning it’s vinegar ?
Taxlady, the red wine doesn't turn into vinegar, it is an ingredient in vinegar. I take a clean, clear bottle, fill it 1/3 with red wine, and 2/3 with white distilled vinegar. It needs to sit for at least two weeks, so I label the bottle with the date made.
I, too, have tarragon vinegar, and also dill vinegar. Now, please tell me about this apple scrap vinegar!
Did you see @Badjak's reply. That's the sort of thing I thought you were doing.

I have never done this before, but here's the instructions: https://www.theprairiehomestead.com/2015/02/how-to-make-apple-cider-vinegar.html. It was originally shared by @blissful.
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