In the past day we've been working to update the forum to a new software platform and we've been offline. Welcome back! The new forum software is called Xenforo and there are some new features and functions.
Your account can be accessed by logging in with your e-mail address or username (that displays on posts) plus the password for your account. If you are having trouble with this and can't get through the password reset process you can click the contact link at the bottom of the page to reach out for help.
If you've set up a new account because you couldn't access your old one let us know. we can consolidate these and get you logged back into your old account.
There are many new features and I encourage you to wander around, test things out and then visit your profile and do some updating. Please keep in mind that changes and adjustments are still being made and so views will become more refined over the next few days.
Update your profile:
The site runs well on small screens. Try it out on the road, use your regular login - no app required.
There are many things still being tweaked and fiddled with and you will continue to see some changes but we wanted to get back online as soon as possible - thanks in advance for your patience.
Post up if you have questions - we're all learning
Your account can be accessed by logging in with your e-mail address or username (that displays on posts) plus the password for your account. If you are having trouble with this and can't get through the password reset process you can click the contact link at the bottom of the page to reach out for help.
If you've set up a new account because you couldn't access your old one let us know. we can consolidate these and get you logged back into your old account.
There are many new features and I encourage you to wander around, test things out and then visit your profile and do some updating. Please keep in mind that changes and adjustments are still being made and so views will become more refined over the next few days.
Update your profile:
- Consider uploading a new avatar (little pic next to your posts). The new site accommodates larger images and old avatars are looking a little tired.
- Add a photo album or two
- Update your signature
The site runs well on small screens. Try it out on the road, use your regular login - no app required.
There are many things still being tweaked and fiddled with and you will continue to see some changes but we wanted to get back online as soon as possible - thanks in advance for your patience.
Post up if you have questions - we're all learning