Found a way to stay comfy in this chilly weather!

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I'm to old to lift that mattress right now and too fat to sleep on the sleeping bag. I don't want to flatten it out and ruin it.

Anyway, I'm not cold when I'm under the covers. I'm cold when I sit here and type.
I love this electric heated throw blanket.

Electric Blanket Heated Throw, Soft Flannel Heating Blanket with 8 Hours Auto Off 10 Fast Heating Levels Machine Washable Sherpa Heated Blanket with Overheating Protection

I had a Red Fox Fur Coat (back when it was not sacrilege to own and wear one. Lived in a trailer while a house was being built. I moved in before 50% done or half the furniture - had a fireplace, sat in a lawn chair with that fur coat under me. Warm as toast.

I know, I know - but before all those wonderful insulated coats were invented - nothing beat a fur coat for warmth. I could wear that coat to my daughter's Ringette games in -5 ℉ and was warm.

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