French Onion Pimento Cheese

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Assistant Cook
Dec 18, 2024
Hello everybody! I'm new here. I've asked the almighty Google for a "French Onion Pimento Cheese" recipe and have come up empty, with the exception of a hot version,
which used packaged French onion soup mix, but I am looking to make a cold version, using chilled caramelized onions. I already know how I'm going to make it but was just
curious if any body else had thought of making something to that effect?
Welcome to DC! While I love French Onion and Pimento cheese, I've never thought to put them together. Give it a try! It seems that you have something in mind, which is how most good recipes start. I'd love to follow the progress, and I believe it would make for a good spread (if that is what you are going for!)
Yes, it sounds really tasty. You don't mention what the end product is for, a dip for crudities/crackers, or a sandwich type spread, which would be thicker, no?
In either case, I would make sure the carmelized onions were chopped small enough to be:-
a) when dipping out of the cream cheese mix without hanging over the edges of crackers, etc. Might drip on a lap, table, floor.
b) if using as a spread for sandwiches, etc. short enough that when you take a bite a long strand of onion doesn't flop out to hang down someone's chin.
Welcome to DC! While I love French Onion and Pimento cheese, I've never thought to put them together. Give it a try! It seems that you have something in mind, which is how most good recipes start. I'd love to follow the progress, and I believe it would make for a good spread (if that is what you are going for!)
If it turns out well, I will post the recipe.
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