OMG, did I miss a post somewhere? I'm so sorry.I have been told by my doctor that I don’t have a long time left, so I am putting it all together to make sure everything is going to move along once I am gone.
Having MrJade be ready to cook lovely food for himself is a goal.
Oh, I think I mentioned it in passing some long time ago.OMG, did I miss a post somewhere? I'm so sorry.
How do you get your crust to be really thin? I love thin crusts.I use a lot of Caputo products because I have a lot of trust in them. My pasta, pizza and cake flour is from their range, and never disappoints.
So too their powdered yeast. Very good.
So my pizza base always turns out nice and thin (my preferred way) and I use the tray with the holes. I used to have a big stone at the restaurant, but it is impractical in my home.
My pizza is still far better than anything I could buy as takeout.
Oh, I think I mentioned it in passing some long time ago.
It’s not a big deal in my eyes. We all come and go.
I had my moments when I was first diagnosed, but you come to deal with it and I have decided to have the best time for however long that is!
This is a difficult conversation for me. A week ago today one of my best friends passed. I was trying to get back to see her but delays kept happening and our last conversation 2 days before she told me not to bother, she would be gone before I could get there. She rode her horse up to a year ago then he passed, cooked, sewed, did swim gym all up to about 6 weeks before. It all caught up to her then. Even knowing for more than 2 years it is still hard to accept. She was a gracious, accepting and loving person. Rest in Peace my friend - I know you and Saavy are riding over the Rainbow Bridge together again.
and now back to supper before my keyboard shorts out from the moisture dripping on them
Having eaten the mushrooms around maybe 2 pm (?) not super hungry for dinner. Ended up munching on a bunch of cauliflower, broccoli and some red peppers dipped into a saucer of cucumber salad dressing. Quite satisfying.