From the Sea to my plate

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Assistant Cook
Jan 18, 2025
Hello, this is how I catch my own fish and cook it!
This story is from last year but I do this whenever I catch something.

1. Catch fish
I caught this 40cm long Atlantic sea bass at my secret fishing spot in Cornwall, England. (For the fishing nerds like me, I caught it by Spinning at high tide)


2. I’m not going into details but make a sharp cut along the stomach. Take out the insides and chop of the head and tail (🤢)

3. Cut down through the back, splitting the remaining flesh in half equally. Take out all of the bones (most of which are on show but dig deeper for some)

Skinning the fillets is OPTIONAL but you have the take the scales of if you cook it in the skin. I choose to skin it but it’s up to you

4. You should be left with a clean cut fillet. I like to breadcrumb it so it holds together better but there are other options if that doesn’t interest you. Salt, pepper and a form of herb is usually nice to add to your oil if you fry it.

5. Enjoy!
Nice looking fish there. Plate up!

How many people would that size feed?
Each side of the fish makes a fillet, so it depends on the size of the fish and portion sizes. This one fed five (being 4 large portions and a small one)

In my local fish market, that fish would have been worth £40-£60. Bass is very much a delicacy in the industry
And this is why I so want a fishing boat. I miss fishing and being out on the water!
You don’t need a fishing boat to have a good catch. That fishing trip mentioned above, was at one of my local beaches and all we did was spinning. In the 5 hours spent down there, we caught 6 bass in total. This was also my first fish lol
I enjoy fishing, but shore fishing not so much.
We got those dinosaur green things with big teeth in the water, so you constantly have to be on the look out
@Badjak If the ground is firm perhaps you could sit in the back of a pick-up truck backed up to the edge of the water? LOL
Or do you also have few large kitty-cats roaming around looking for a snack. They would call it "stuffed on the half truckshells".
(gads, that was a lame, I was just talking about mushrooms... stuffed)
I enjoy fishing, but shore fishing not so much.
We got those dinosaur green things with big teeth in the water, so you constantly have to be on the look out
I love fishing. Momma loved fishing. I've got a lot of great memories fishing with her, my sister, and other family members on docks or on the shore. Skip ahead in time. I find a place I think would make a good fishing spot. I head off to set up only to have some guy with odd understanding of personal space who kept walking by to try to strike up conversation. So I pack up and leave. Bring a friend next time. Evidently the same guy lives in an RV just outside of the park. He returns.

We move out to this rocky location that has stones stacked to help with erosion. It was nice to get rid of the unwanted company. Not because of the distance, but we quickly discovered it was a snake condo. Skip ahead.

We went to a pier on the next trip. Nice! More people around. Wild casting. A kid dropped into the water. A group of high school aged kids hanging on the picnic tables behind us conversing with a stream of people who would greet, walk into the trees and return with cash.

I'm used to a boat....I really want a fishing boat. Nothing fancy. Just someplace to find a place where I feel I can fish in peace. 🐟

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