Thank pepper and dragn. If I had spelled it right when I did an internet search, I might have gotten some sensible results. Well, I tested that hypothesis and I got sensible results. D'oh!
I went out this morning to take pics, but we have no sun! Tomorrow it's supposed to rain, so it will probably be Tuesday or Wednesday before I get any pics of the wildflowers. Meantime, here's a pic of the other side of my rock garden after I weeded the front but before I weeded the back (that black thing at the bottom is my cat supervising):
I stepped out to water the two pots of herbs I have out back. Someone had nibbled the lemon balm right off. There were a bunch of leaves lying next to the pot. There were a few leaves in the pot. But there were just tiny nubs of the main stems. I brought that pot inside because, there are two tiny, tiny sets of leaves still alive in that pot and who knows if the rest will come back with some TLC. Lemon balm is a member of the mint family.
At first glance, the rosemary seemed fine. But, looking more closely, I see that two small rosemary stems were on the ground. I guess whoever did the nibbling, didn't like rosemary.
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I wonder if it's the bunny I saw the other day. That was the first time I have ever seen a bunny in this yard and I have lived in this house for 29 years.
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The stems at the front left are my chives. Those seem to be of little appeal to the bunny or whoever it was that nibbled my lemon balm, thank goodness.
None of the warm blooded critters around here have ever bothered any of my herbs, until today. Sure, they munch other things I have tried to grow, like tomatoes. Lettuce has never gotten big enough to be eaten by warm blooded critters, just slugs or snails and maybe some insects.
Yerst. With a missing front bumper cover. And a white tailgate. My mom bought the car for me and we had to get it because she liked the color. Fun story. I thought a purple PT Cruiser was sort of rare. A couple years ago, I went to Walmart with a friend and in four spaces across the front rows were four purple PT Cruisers. It's still an awful color, though.I got distracted. Its that a PT Cruiser... purple?
I'm wondering if I should get another cat. She enjoys having me out there and I think she gets lonely when I'm not. Thing is, I really think she still has a home somewhere. She disappeared yesterday when I went into the house and was gone until about 9pm, which is really unusual for her. When she came back, she was soft and fluffy and smelled like perfume. I think someone gave her a bath.You really have to train that cat to share some of the work.
It is full-blown kitten season. If you can adopt a kitty, please consider doing so. So many need homes and shelters often have great deals if you get one that includes having the animal neutered. The shelter near us also treated them with flea and tick prevention!I'm wondering if I should get another cat.
Still, it's really pretty when the wind blows and it all sways back and forth. I just worry about ticks and ground wasp nests, is all.