It's winter, finally, and my garden is done for in more ways than one. I STILL can't find any 5ft netting anywhere. What I have is 3ft and if I pull it down, the deer jump it and if I pull it up high, they go underneath. I have two sunflowers left and although the large one is finally getting a flower on it, the deer have eaten all the leaves off of it.
I've been advised to get clear plastic to put on my lawn to kill everything on top but that will cost me almost $250. Because of that and because of the 160lbs of grass seed I bought (at half price), I told the contractor to not expect the last $500 of his bill. He can sue me if he wants, but he put in dirt and seeded (wrongly) in April and here it is almost October and he still hasn't come back to reseed to fill the empty patches out there.
I'll kill what grass I have and let someone else finish seeding it next spring.
My irises have as many weeds in among them as they did before I weeded last time. Weeds are springing up alongside all the rocks in my rock garden beds again. Maybe this time it's time to go all in for the vinegar treatment.
My wintergreen plant got moved to where it's getting more shade and is looking much better. My azalea, which hasn't grown in three years, just got moved to the same place, so let's see what will happen. My three blue mist plants haven't grown an iota, but they were shipped in woven pots that were supposed to disintegrate. The pots are still there and look to last forever, so last week I tore one off of the smallest plant and replanted it without the pot. If it lives, I'll tear off the other two pots. And wouldn't you know, the three weenie cherry tomato plants that gave me only four tomatoes are thriving. Well, why not? They didn't do any work.
I'd have to say this year gardening was definitely not a success.