Garden 2024

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Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all! Anyone else working in the garden today? :LOL:

I wasn't really working out there - just went out and uncovered the rosemary and sage that I covered several days ago, when I heard about that extreme cold headed this way. I had trimmed close to a 5 gal bucket in combination, to make them shorter, but I still had to put a very large tarp over them. And today, when uncovered, they were not at all affected by the cold nights. Any other super cold weather this winter, I'll just flip the tarp back in place, and put the weights back in place.
Uncovered rosemary and sage, 12-25, after covering, before the 13 and 11 degree nights. Staying in the 20s as far as the forecast shows. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Nice ! It's been pretty cold up here recently. I didnt put any row covers over the greens I have outside , so not surer how they are doing.
I did harvest the rermaining 6 rutabagas the other day. which did really well this year .
Snow and Ice on the cover frame for greens had to be cleared. We aren't sure anything is growing at this time. We'll be checking in the end of February for any greening up.
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