Gluten-free cheese sauce - lessons learned

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Janet H

Certifiable Executive Chef
Staff member
Jan 17, 2007
Pacific NW
Last night we had an impromptu dinner bash and one of the guests is gluten intolerant. Cheese sauce for broccoli and cauliflower was on the menu and so I screwed up my courage and tried making it with corn starch instead of the usual roux. Corn Starch was the only alternative thickener I had on hand. After some tasting and adjustments I ended up with a pretty decent sauce. Here's what I learned:

  1. Basic proportions: 1 Tbl corn starch to 1 Cup milk - stirred until almost boiling and thickened. Cheese, seasoning to taste
  2. Not using a butter and flour roux removes some of the lovely buttery mouth feel and flavor. After thickening and melting in cheddar and Parmesan I added some prepared yellow mustard, dried mustard, salt, pepper and a dollop of sour cream.
  3. Be careful to add cheese after sauce is thickened and COOLED just a little from it's boiling state. High temps will break the cheese and you lose that smooth creamy texture.

pretty good!
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