Gluten Free, Dairy Free and Sugar Free...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

peppermint patie07

Assistant Cook
Jun 16, 2007
Liverpool in Upstate NY
ISO dairy, gluten and sugar substitutes

:chef: Hello All,
I'm the new gal on the Forum...My question is How can I substistute Mozarella cheese and Ricotta Cheese in a Lasagna. I recently found out that I'm not to eat any Dairy products...
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There are some really wonderful soy cheeses out there, if you look at your local health food stores. I'm not sure how well they melt, but they ought to work very well in lasagna.

(For gluten-free noodles, you can't beat Tinkyada brand!)
Are you stil, here or anyone who fits this?? I saw gluten free, dairy free and sugar free-that is exactly me!
Probably not, mcrx. The post is from 9 years ago. But if you look around, you'll find lots of info. And don't be afraid to asl old questions a new time. Lots of friendly and informative people about.

Just don't make onion rings.
Probably not, mcrx. The post is from 9 years ago. But if you look around, you'll find lots of info. And don't be afraid to asl old questions a new time. Lots of friendly and informative people about.

Just don't make onion rings.


Wait! So am I supposed to ask why not to make onion rings? (they actually sound really g...ohhh haha I mean, yes. With a gluten free alternative, of course! Did I get the joke or am I missing something else? hehe)
Lol, umm, someone posted a thread about failing at making onion rings, but then repeatedly refused the simple and sage advice offered (happens all the time).
It became an unspoken kind of joke for a few days by the users, like me, that spend too much time here.

Yes, you know who you are, all o' yous. :winkiss:
Lol, umm, someone posted a thread about failing at making onion rings, but then repeatedly refused the simple and sage advice offered (happens all the time).
It became an unspoken kind of joke for a few days by the users, like me, that spend too much time here.

Yes, you know who you are, all o' yous. :winkiss:

Hand raised. :wacko: Me! Me! Me!
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