Good BBQ sauce bases?

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Assistant Cook
Apr 2, 2013
I was wondering, for those of you practice the alchemy of making your own sauces, what base ingredients do y'all use? In return I will share mine that I created through experimentation.

My base sauce:

Ketchup (Tomato base)
Equal parts Teriyaki marinade (The sweet kind with pineapple in it)
Dash Tiger Sauce (For heat and flavor complexity)
Molasses (For that sweet, smokey, caramel flavor)
Vinegar (For Zing)

That is pretty much it. It is a very simple and tasty sauce. I find it highly customizable because you can throw a table spoon or so of the rub you are using in to the base to add those extra flavor nuances to your q.
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Don't get it, why put a marinade in a bbq sauce. Strikes me as odd.

Ya thought the same, many of the ingredients are redundant to others listed.

I would rather add fresh shaved ginger and rice wine vinegar instead of white.

To each his own I love me sum suase!!!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Ya thought the same, many of the ingredients are redundant to others listed.

I would rather add fresh shaved ginger and rice wine vinegar instead of white.

To each his own I love me sum suase!!!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

You are right. There are some redundant ingredients in there. But I am sure that you are also aware that that ratios of the ingredients matters as well. The redundant ones such as the molasses and vinegar are the ones I believe extra is needed to get that good q flavor. Just my humble opinion. You might actually be surprised if you try it. I mean seriously guys, go to walmart and spent 5 bucks and try it! ;););)
I dont discount your recipe at all man!!
I'm a fusion cooking guy down to the core!!
I'll try this the next time I grill/smoke the problem here is The average temp is 3 and the snow fall is at 90 inches!!!
I dont discount your recipe at all man!!
I'm a fusion cooking guy down to the core!!
I'll try this the next time I grill/smoke the problem here is The average temp is 3 and the snow fall is at 90 inches!!!

Man that is something. It's nearly 80 degrees down here in the south. I was just picking on y'all. I wouldn't mind someone else trying it and giving me some feedback on it though. I would let the sauce itself season for a couple of days so all the flavors come out. (and it goes without saying, taste test before you slop it on :rolleyes:) I love cooking q as much as I do eating it and have been experimenting with sauces for a couple of years and this is one of my better ones. I don't really worry about the rub, I have had that recipe nailed down for a while.
Looks good to us home folks. Thanks for sharing. I sometimes just drink the Tiger Sauce out of the bottle. Aint nothing in that recipe which do not seem highly tasty. Not sure anybody ever bothered to go look up some stuff called Jack Daniels gilling sauce which I think was made famous by TGI Fridays and a clone is available. Its full of Terriyak and Soy..Pineapple stuff etc. Works mighty good as a spare rib glaze..even seem recall it putting some money in the pocket a time or two. Should also be good as a table sauce. If anybody wants to make this stuff..will give you a tip. Skip roasting your own garlic and get the roasted garlic flavor Terriyaki sauce. It tastes exactly the same. The world is just gettting too specialized huh? It burns easy.
Top Secret Recipes | T.G.I. Friday's Jack Daniel's Grill Glaze Recipe
HA! I was wearing shorts the other day Bosko, it was a balmy 40° out. Felt like mid summer.

I might try it, but then again, I have about 25 of my own BBQ sauce recipes, and keep coming up with new ones, that, that is redundant. I don't know though not a real big molasses fan.

Instead of using pre-made products, you might want to make these things from scratch. You may surprise yourself, and have them come out better than before.
I have 4 sauces that I serve, 2 are ketchup based, one is tomato sauce, and one is mayonnaise. The Mayonnaise one, my "Alabama White Sauce" was a dog on the menu at first. People would ask about it, but when i tried to describe it, they decided it was too weird and picked a more "normal" sauce. Now whenever anyone asks me about it, I just throw in a little cup of it and let them pick another sauce as well, in case they don't like it. But most people who have tried it order it again the next time, it's good stuff! That's one of the reasons I always serve the sauce on the side.


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Looks good to us home folks. Thanks for sharing. I sometimes just drink the Tiger Sauce out of the bottle. Aint nothing in that recipe which do not seem highly tasty. Not sure anybody ever bothered to go look up some stuff called Jack Daniels gilling sauce which I think was made famous by TGI Fridays and a clone is available. Its full of Terriyak and Soy..Pineapple stuff etc. Works mighty good as a spare rib glaze..even seem recall it putting some money in the pocket a time or two. Should also be good as a table sauce. If anybody wants to make this stuff..will give you a tip. Skip roasting your own garlic and get the roasted garlic flavor Terriyaki sauce. It tastes exactly the same. The world is just gettting too specialized huh? It burns easy.
Top Secret Recipes | T.G.I. Friday's Jack Daniel's Grill Glaze Recipe

Thanks for the link man. That sounds absolutely delicious. I look at it this way. We are tying to take a cheap or relatively cheap piece of meat and transforming it into a mouthwatering masterpiece. I believe that Asian cultures have mastered the art of simplicity in making food taste good with as little ingredients as possible. Yet their meals have a sophisticated flavor profile that is hard to replicate. So, why not glean some inspiration from thousands of years of perfection? I have been bouncing some ideas around in my head from this inspiration. Like you said, I also adore tiger sauce... I have also heard of a sauce called Chinese 5 spice that I want to get my hands on and see if I can incorporate in to a sauce. I also want to get my hands on some mushroom soy sauce that they don't seem to sell around here. Mushrooms are amazing little organisms that contain glutamates which are natural flavor enhancers. I bet a bbq sauce with mushroom soy sauce would be wicked good on beef.
Hell son I have many Chinese markets around me. I make it a point to go shopping there. Since this last scare with bean sprouts, good luck finding them in a regular store. I love oriental food, and I love making it. PM me, maybe we could work something out to get you some mushroom soy sauce. :P
Never heard of Five Spice sauce..but Chinese Five Spice Powder is an old oriental seasoning which I'm sure you are familiar with. Little too chinesy smelling for me. Do love that Alabammy White sauce.
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