Milk & Orange Juice cost me $84.00 yesterday....
because, of course, I could not leave without a couple of specials.
Whole roasting chicken normally costs about $18.00 or more, got one weighing 2.5 k for $6.86.
Two vac sealed
pork tenderloins for $6.56. I used to pay around $4.00 for the same thing but seems to be rare for a really good sale now-a-days. Unfortunately I will have to open the package to separate but I'd never eat the two of them and I don't want to defrost just to get at one and throw the other back in the freezer. Matter of fact I just might even cut one in half to make 2 small loins which is perfect for a single meal.
So much for the "not going to buy any more for the freezer "
Been doing pretty good to eat from there lately. That resolve flies out the window the moment I walk into a grocery store.
@taxlady , maybe I should have my groceries delivered like you - out of sight - out of mind. Only I just can't stand someone else picking out my meats and vegies!