Ground mustard = Keen's??

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I don’t like its taste compared to prepared mustard.
Just thought I'd mention - it is a strong mustard but when you mix it up with a liquid (either water or you can also use milk) you must let it sit and develop/mature. You shouldn't get that 'raw' taste.
I've made hot mustard from powdered before, with a twist, when I found the recipe after trying to explain Chinese hot mustard to someone in a country where it's very rare apparently.

2-1/2 Tbsp mustard powder (preferably Colman's)
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 Tbsp very hot water
1 Tbsp rice vinegar
1/2 tsp honey

Mix the mustard powder, onion powder and salt in a small bowl. Add the hot water and stir until mixed well. Add the rice vinegar and stir until mixed well. Stir in the honey. Let stand at least 15 minutes up to 2 hours. The heat will mellow the longer it stands.

I did like the above better than the commercially available hot mustard, but OMG it is blisteringly hot when first made. It mellows quickly, but for that first bit, WHEW!
Well it's been in the oven and is cooling now. Once cool it will go in the fridge and be an easy meal for them whenever she wishes.
Licking my fingers and it seems to be rather tasty.

and my legs are so tired - they are starting to twitch, how I hate that and the sudden intense aches that you just moan a bit and endure till they pass. That glass of wine is going to be coming mighty early today. I've even got a bottle of Merlot out. I'm usually only a white wine drinker (due to less tannins or something) but every once in a while, my Merlot's when hit at with just the right timing, are almost like a nouveau beaujolais - soft, glide down the throat.
I've made hot mustard from powdered before, with a twist, when I found the recipe after trying to explain Chinese hot mustard to someone in a country where it's very rare apparently.

2-1/2 Tbsp mustard powder (preferably Colman's)
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 Tbsp very hot water
1 Tbsp rice vinegar
1/2 tsp honey

Mix the mustard powder, onion powder and salt in a small bowl. Add the hot water and stir until mixed well. Add the rice vinegar and stir until mixed well. Stir in the honey. Let stand at least 15 minutes up to 2 hours. The heat will mellow the longer it stands.

I did like the above better than the commercially available hot mustard, but OMG it is blisteringly hot when first made. It mellows quickly, but for that first bit, WHEW!
I have saved that recipe and noted where it comes from, including the URL for the post.
Upstairs had the casserole the other day and all said they liked it. I've got a serving I will probably have tonight or tomorrow. I snuck a spoonful while tucking it in the fridge and my first thought was a wee tad on the salty side. Perhaps it was more noticeable as it was cold. Remains to be seen once heated.
Note: it does call for 3/4 tsp of salt, I think I only added 1/2 tsp. So you might want to be careful .

I'm noting on my recipe I will only probably add 1/4 tsp. salt. I did add about 1/2 cup extra ham - maybe that was it?
After I make a recipe, I go back and make notes, where, when, who. Success or not, tweaks that needed to be done or not.
So went to add to my CMT copy, which I will also then hand write on my print out.
Lo 'n behold. I had already made this once, in May of 2023. For the family, plus it was marked as a big hit! I had also written that I got this recipe via our own @Andy M.
So, Thank You Sir Andy!
After I make a recipe, I go back and make notes, where, when, who. Success or not, tweaks that needed to be done or not.
So went to add to my CMT copy, which I will also then hand write on my print out.
Lo 'n behold. I had already made this once, in May of 2023. For the family, plus it was marked as a big hit! I had also written that I got this recipe via our own @Andy M.
So, Thank You Sir Andy!
You're welcome. I think March 2023 was the last time I made that. That suggests SO didn't like it. I'll have to mention it to her again.
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