Happy Canada Day !!!! (Sorry it is 2 days late)

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Senior Cook
Feb 21, 2024
Here is my Shout Out to all of you Canucks on the board.

Yesterday I was telling my son that this board has a lot of Canadians on it and he told me he heard on the radio Monday that it was Canada Day. Why didn't somebody create a post? I would have if I had known about it.
Happy Belated Canada Day :)

Canada Day celebrates the anniversary of July 1, 1867, the effective date of the Constitution Act, 1867, which united the three separate colonies of the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick into a single Dominion within the British Empire called Canada.

Happy Canada Day Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Greetings, Sayings, Images, Pictures, Photos, Poster, Wallpaper

10 Funny Messages for Canada Day​

  1. Happy Canada Day, eh! Time to put on our toques, grab a double-double, and celebrate this great country!
  2. On this Canada Day, let's apologize for all the times we've said sorry unnecessarily. Sorry, not sorry! Happy Canada Day!
  3. Wishing you a day filled with laughter, poutine, and beaver tails. Happy Canada Day, you hosers!
  4. Happy Canada Day! Let's celebrate by playing a game of hockey, eh? Don't forget to bring your maple syrup!
  5. Today, we celebrate Canada's birthday. Let's eat cake, blow out the candles, and hope we don't burn down the igloo! Happy Canada Day!
  6. Happy Canada Day, eh! Let's take a moment to appreciate the fact that we can wear plaid and denim together without judgment.
  7. On this Canada Day, let's embrace our inner Canadian and say "aboot" and "eh" as much as possible. Happy Canada Day, eh!
  8. Wishing you a day filled with Tim Hortons, hockey, and saying sorry even when it's not necessary. Happy Canada Day, you beauty!
  9. Happy Canada Day! Let's celebrate by having a BBQ, drinking a cold one, and enjoying the great outdoors. Cheers, eh!
  10. On this Canada Day, let's remember that we're not just polite, we're "Canadian polite." Happy Canada Day, you hosers!

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