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I do all our own cooking, unless mr bliss does some cooking, then all bets are off. Bless him, he tries and does pretty good.
He does better when I'm in the kitchen with him, today we made mushroom gravy, mostly me. He made spaghetti sauce of tomato mushrooms, mostly him, he added salt so whether I can still eat it is up in the air....I don't want to cross salt off all my recipes cards, we usually salt at the table and not when canning or cooking. He tried though. He gets some credit for trying. He found the recipe card too, that's something.
I share cooking responsibilities but we each have our own domains. I like general cooking, exploring new dishes, and holiday feasts. Frank likes BBQ, smoking, grilling, sous vide, and some baking. Frank doesn't really do much with side dishes., but he makes a fantastic wood-fired pizza!

Welcome to DC.

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