Holiday Preparations

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The '76 Olympics were held in Montreal. Glassware with the logo and trim at the top - all in gold. Were issued thru someone, grocers? gas? I don't remember but we had a huge collection and we certainly didn't pay for them. All eventually came off mostly due to the dishwasher.
There were tumblers, tall fluted beer, 'on the rocks' and probably others I don't remember.
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I'm back to cold Minnesota, after sunny and warm California, best part of TD, weather was nice the whole holiday. I made a beautiful turkey. In spite of me fighting with the oven my MIL has. It was really strange, but I won. Turkey was cooked and seasoned to perfection. Everybody loved it, as well as mashed potato and gravy that I made. There were other foods, which I do not eat or cooked, those were mostly the leftovers. My wife made dessert. She make a mean pecan pie, that I love. So, I was very satisfied. My MIL, set up a beautiful table. She is a pro when it comes to that kind of thing. Good thing other people cook. She found small dark chocolate turkeys, that was set near everybody's plate, very cute, very good yummy chocolate.
ala in all it was good day. Guests left early enough for me to have a cigar, that was great after heavy food.

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