Honey Bee Keeping and other pollinators

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We and mostly I have been cutting honey comb for days because it takes hours to wait for it to drain. Every cell that is cut drains honey and that takes time. I'm almost done!

A honey comb cut out of the frame resting on a rack over a 1/2 sheet pan. 18-19 inches long.


Cut into 3x3.5 inch sizes, with the end piece which goes into a jar of honey, and in front the trimmings which are reclaimed as strained honey and wax to melt.

The package w/o label of honeycomb. Ready to eat, spread on toast, dropped into some ice tea, eaten by the spoonful with the wax.

The beauty of comb.

Honeycomb in jars of honey.

honeycomb in honey in a pint jar.
Looks so tasty! I just want to eat those honeycombs!
Thank you Kathleen!

A long busy day, full bee check from top to bottom, removing a frame from each hive, replacing it with a frame feeder, making sugar/water syrup, adding pollen patties. 10 hives, and Zach's 4.
The extra shallow cut comb box had some full frames so those 4 were removed and we made 4 new frames to add. The weird thing is mostly people only put those shallows on first thing in spring but we're doing the experiment trying to see what the bees do with those frames in the fall. Maybe they'll put wax on them, maybe not.

The wild hive with the amazing queen, has 5 more double sized frames full of brood eggs/larva. That is going to be a crazy big hive in 2 weeks. The nectar flow is over, so they'll use a lot of sugar/water syrup.

In the middle of everything some of the bees looked like they were going to start robbing hives (lots of them in the air), so they smoked the hives. Then put the sprinkler on the hives to settle them down quick.

in 3 days we'll cut the comb from those 4 frames.
We received our second set of labels, and put a box together for sales, for in mr bliss's truck. I don't have pictures yet for that.

I'm glad all the work is done. Mostly by mr bliss.
With the much warmer weather in the 80's deg F, bees are flying a lot. Too many. Not normal.
What is going on? There are bees in the front of the house and in the garage 200 feet or more from the hives.

So he takes anything that attracts them, plastic frames w/wax, that he was going to dispose of, takes it out to the curb in the garbage bin.

Now it seems there are more bees in the garage...what is going on? Last month he took all his swarm traps out of trees and stored them in the garage. One of his swarm traps is FULL OF BEES! He caught a swarm. Today he had checked out all 10 hives, refilled the feeders with sugar/water and pollen patties. This calms the bees and they get downright irritable if they have empty feeders this time of year.
None of our hives have swarmed, they are all there.
We're talking with Zach about his hives, wondering if the bees came from his hives but he's not done checking them! We need to figure this out!
If we build another hive, there is no where to put it at this point, we might have to put it to the back of Zach's yard...we don't know. Or we could sell it....we need to figure this out!
Since this swarm deal in a swarm trap is new to us we called doug the bee-friend with more experience to figure it out.
The bees could be house shopping, they may set up house or they may leave in search of a better location. Mr bliss closed up the trap at sunset (because most of the bees are in for the night), then moved it over to where the fishing boat is. In the morning he'll open it up and they'll re-orient (with the sun), and be able to find their way back to the trap at the end of the day.
If they set up inside for a week or so, then we can put it on a stand for a while and build a hive for them.
The bees didn't stay in the swarm trap.

Last week they were checking hives and Zach lost a hive (1 out of 4). It's the season when they rob or be robbed. Easily fly off.
He took a long time to check his hive and then we think he may have lost another hive.
Today, bees were robbing. Too many bees in the air, bees fighting each other, bees dying near the hives. He set up sprinklers over the hives to stop the flying and fighting. We don't know the results at this time.
The sprinklers ran all day.
At the end of the day we have 9 hives and one questionable. He has 3 hives one questionable. It's sad and it's nature, so we have to accept it.

We extracted honey, the 3rd extraction in the basement. We're done with that, finally.
Well (deep post, lol) we are into winter now, though not much snow on the ground here.
We have 4 hives going and Zach has none right now. We'll repopulate in the spring.

Mr bliss has been going door to door with rubber bands and flyers, free delivery within 5 miles of the house. Sold some at banks and stores where we regularly see people. People before the election were afraid to open their doors for fear of political discussions...please let that end, and it did, thank you !

Someone called the other day for 10 jars of honey, for christmas gifts. Another bought 25 packs of comb honey for gifts. It does make a great gift, sweet honey, how can it go wrong? Cupid's Sweet Honey, mythology, Cupid!

And please buy honey as local as you can to where you live, it's suppose to be better for allergies, local pollen. Also, there are SO many small bee keepers trying to get the cost of the bees and hives paid for out of the cost of honey they can sell. The more we looked into bee keepers, the more we found within 10 miles of us!

Another way to identify beekeepers, hats and sweatshirts with bee logos, another way, take a peek in the backyards in your neighborhoods. Some bee keepers try it but then don't continue it, but then take it up again, we saw many hives in our own neighborhood, 3 that don't have active hives, just boxes that need to be cleaned up and repopulated.

A couple of men, from a halfway house, said they tried texting beekeepers on facebook. None responded quickly except us. They came back for more honey another day too, they really like it. A bank is buying us out of our plastic containers of honey, because it is easier for them to use in the coffee room. We only invested in one case of plastic containers for honey, we might rethink that if they plan to buy more next year.
I really enjoy the people I meet, and the questions they have. We outfitted mr bliss with some crystalized honey to show customers and how to warm it gently, if it crystalizes, and most all honey will crystalize at some point.

We give a $1 off to people that bring back the glass jar from honey, repeat customers. That seems to be working for us and them.

Now that we are working into next spring on bees...My favorite honey is the 3rd extraction that is thickest, it comes from golden rod and sunflower. It's already crystallizing! I love the taste the most. The 2nd extraction is the wildflower, thick as well. The first extraction is the thinnest but the most like sugar taste, no strong flavors of honey, it would be the one to use for substituting in recipes, sugar to honey.
We are loving the honey!
We put our bees in last night.
They are great pollinators for about 80% of trees/plants, and not tomatoes or peppers! We grow a lot of tomatoes and peppers but many other things too.
Our dandelions are in full bloom. The pear and cherry trees are in bloom right now too.

I would have loved to take pictures last night but we were in a hurry to get three hives in before dark, as there was rain forecast for last night and today.
We both suited up. Even with being very careful we did haul 2 bees into the house afterwards. One was let out and the other one is still wandering the house. I'll let him out when I find him or he finds me.

We moved the bee frames from the nuc (nucleus) into the hives. We had the queen marked to make our first year easier, to be able to find her. I sprayed the frames of bees with sugar water, they don't fly when they are wet.
We put them in our double high hive and a box on top, the brood comb into the hive, the extra frames into the top box. There is a sugar water feeder in the main hive (at least for now).

This is a picture of the back of the 3 main hive bodies. If I get some sun I'll get pictures of the hives with the extra box on top.

Honey bees are pretty friendly and generally don't sting unless they are squished between things against your skin, or if the hive feels attacked. The guard bees were a little upset last night in the gold hive and slammed my veil netting a few times. I backed off for a minute and they calmed down. They'd traveled from Georgia to Wisconsin, then from the Bee Place to our home, that's a lot of moving for them. I can't wait to see how they are doing outside the hive today, going in and coming out.


This is a frame for the deep hive. The deep hive is the height of a deep and a medium. A little wood block is placed between the pieces of foundation and it holds them in place.

The left foundations is black brushed with wax, the right foundation is drawn comb for this one frame. Some frames are all waxed foundation and no drawn comb. 8 frames across.

New beehives: 5/7/2023 SE Wisconsin
That's so cool! I've always wanted to do something like that!!
Isn't it the honey that has started to crystallize that can be turned into creamed honey?
Yes I made some creamed honey that way, with the kitchen aid mixer, a pint of honey (not crystallized) with 1 cup of crystallized honey, whipped for 30 minutes, then refrigerated for a month. Now it stays at room temperature as honey 'marshmallow fluff'. Delicious! Pretty white fluff.
Think I asked you this once before.... do you ever sleep?
yes, lately it is 10-11 pm I sleep until 6-7-8 am to wake, I get 7-8 hours per night and naps too. I like to accomplish a lot, cooking, baking, hobbies, art, usually I'm doing more than one thing at a time, and Mr bliss's time too, is like that. Right now he is building a hive for a friend, insulated, new design, he also wants to sell more honey before christmas, gifts are helping us sell honey right now. It's a good gift.
That's so cool! I've always wanted to do something like that!!
We didn't know if we would love it as much as we did, we love it. It's very satisfying to us, we've met bee keepers from everywhere, there is great camaraderie with them. It's a hobby that we love and it loves us back, it's healthy (within reason) and sweet!
Start small, see how you like it? I hope it goes well if you do!
The local midwest expo is local to us and mr bliss is working it.
There are companies, speakers, specialists, bee suppliers, vendors all coming together all day saturday and sunday. They set up today, it begins tomorrow.

and the contests of honey products they are calling the 'honey show'
Fun and bees.
This is the first year, I think. We've only been around for 2 years.
Presales are between 350-400 so far, and they do accept people at the door, it's not inexpensive.
The work was so incredibly busy setting up today, 7 am to 4 pm in mr bliss's building. Tomorrow they start up at 6:30 am and it runs for 2 days. Jam packed with speakers and good deals on bee equipment. It will provide an amazing education on bee keeping to new and experienced bee keepers.
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I can confirm that this was the first year of the honeybee expo for the 'midwest' in the waukesha location. They are hoping to do it next year too.

It was great, mr bliss says. He also won a v shaped hive, $200 hive in a raffle. He couldn't really use it but a 12 year old and his grandfather bought it from mr bliss a good deal.
The days were long 6:30 am to 4 or 5 pm, a lot of work and they still had time to listen to the speakers, go talk with them to ask questions.
He brought home a 6 pack of honey flavors of soda $22, peach, strawberry, berry and others. And a sample of a lb of honey from another beekeeper. A nice bunch of people from the sound of it. He wants me to go with him next year.
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