How common are persimmons in your country and if not common why they are not common in your opinion?

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Neither am I. I always see odd or unusual fruits that make me want to pick them up. But since I don't really eat a whole lot of fruit, I pass them by because I'm afraid I'll hate it and I'd just be wasting my money.

As for persimmons, I've never tried one.

There's one fruit I've always wanted to try and that's Lychee. But I've never been able to find them anywhere.
You can probably find canned lychees. I really like them. I have also had them fresh and those were good, but I didn't think they were worth the difference from the canned ones. You could also ask, when you are at a Chinese resto if they serve them. Then you wouldn't be stuck with a whole can, if you dislike them. Of course, a whole can might cost less than a dessert at a resto.
You can probably find canned lychees. I really like them. I have also had them fresh and those were good, but I didn't think they were worth the difference from the canned ones. You could also ask, when you are at a Chinese resto if they serve them. Then you wouldn't be stuck with a whole can, if you dislike them. Of course, a whole can might cost less than a dessert at a resto.
I've found the canned ones online, but have never bought them because I'd rather try them fresh. Maybe I'll buy a can sometime just to see.
I'll try almost any food given to me, or if I see it lying around
No persimons here, but I have eaten them. Too long ago to remember, so they must have been average. Not bad, not fantastic :)

Lychees grow here. I like them.
We don't have rambutans. They taste similar but they just look great
if you see brown spots inside the perssimons dont worry. it is common and fine to eat..

brown.... not black or something..

and about blemishes on tge skin.. it is also common.
i've discovered that this time of year they are too sweet.. up until two weeks ago it was fine. but now they are too ripe and sweet and mushy..

for your consideration......
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