How did you find DiscussCooking?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Someone, I believe it was the former owner/founder, came to FOODTV message board when it was closing down. But there was the link, visited her, liked it, and stayed.
I know after "that person" made "those posts" on FN and it became apparent that FN didn't have a modirator ... some of us started talking about finding a new home. When FN announced they would rather give up the FN Forum than have a modirator ... a LOT of use started looking and discussing alternatives.Seems the "cream" rose to the top and came here! :chef:
Michael in FtW said:
I know after "that person" made "those posts" on FN and it became apparent that FN didn't have a modirator ... some of us started talking about finding a new home. When FN announced they would rather give up the FN Forum than have a modirator ... a LOT of use started looking and discussing alternatives.Seems the "cream" rose to the top and came here! :chef:

Yep, I came here from food network, after they dismissed the food chat, and after that person spammed them they decided to discontinue the forum on there. Foodnetwork forum was fine until that point. I never understood why one person making spam would have caused foodnetwork to discontinue the forum. Regardless, thats history now. DC is just fine for me. :chef:
Mine's a story straight out of left field....DH cooked 'his' beer-battered fish one night for dinner. I couldn't eat all mine, so wrapped in plastic wrap and into the fridge. The next day I tried the left-over fish for lunch. It was so full of amonia that each time I bought it to my mouth, it would take my breath away. Only had 2 mouthfuls, then binned it. :sick:

Being slightly hypochondriac, I googled in "seafood poisioning". One of the sites listed was a thread from discuss cooking.....Thank goodness for bad fish :blink:
edited: a friend from epicurious that i keep in touch with took exception to my post, so i edited it.
i came over from the epicurious chat. too many nasties on the un-moderated chat there.
so, while searching for a recipe, i stumbled upon discusscooking.
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Stumbled across DC while looking for a recipe. I liked the informal nature of the site & couldn't help but laugh at some of the posts. Decided after a couple of days reading that I should register & here I am.

Don't know anythong about epicurious so I'm off to check it out.

There is no shortage of characters here, Bucky included. It's all good fun & good people.
My freind Atomic Jed (AJ) Was telling me about this GREAT SITE! and, i was visiting it quite often. So, i just decided im here all the time i might as well join!! Thanks Atomic Jed! Im really enjoying DC!!
mudbug said:
The Food Network was good for something. It brought me here.

Good question, Michael!
Me too BUG :LOL: Love just looking and reading.
I'd just joined FN 2 weeks before I heard they were closing (typical of my luck!) and there was "merstarr" - a FN regular poster who was RAVING about DC....and raving and raving and raving... after one posting about mojito cookies, he told me DC needed me. :)
Me too jkath!

I hadn't been at FoodNetwork but a minute, and they were gone. Maybe 3 or 4 weeks tops.

I heard that there was a troll problem, and I said to myself, What trolls?

I missed out on the whole thing!:LOL:
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You are so right! I joined another place [cook's illustrated] but those folks are as bad as those Buckytom talks about on epicurious.....

Left a real bad taste in my mouth, and a lot of fear of posting on discusscooking, til you guys finally talked me out of it.

It may not be a soul food site, but it is still home.
choc, we ARE a soul food site, so long as you are here. your contributions of recipes and friendship make us that much better, more interesting, and in the end, better than the sum of the parts.
buckytom said:
choc, we ARE a soul food site, so long as you are here. your contributions of recipes and friendship make us that much better, more interesting, and in the end, better than the sum of the parts.

AAAAAhhhhh Bucky.....[[[[[hugs]]]]. You are one of the best ever.....

Thanks for being you.
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