Had a "buddy" that started on the "road crew" for the City of (whatever)...
On his first day, the foreman told him to go to City Stores and get the "left handedmonkey nuts" (whatever)...
Recognizing this as a ruse, Donnie went to Riverdale Pool Hall and shot pool for the day...appearing the next morning on the job site, he told the foreman "they didn't have any"...
Further into his "illustrious career" with the City, he was employed as a clerking type in Light Water and Sewage billing...
Being as he was newly married, he and "Frankie" did not live in the finest of neighbourhoods, and were prone to "disagreements" with the uptight next door neighbours...in fact, if you recall my post in "Beveredges", this was the guy who got married and was up for the "housewarming" with the single toilet (but not the one with the classic comment)...
Anyways, Don and the next door were in a constant state of feud...
One night, Donnie had a party with a bunch of his "military" friends, after an exercise on NBCW warfare means...at about 0300, some people (Not including me!) splelt out the classic "F...Y.." message on the absent neighbour's lawn, in hi test fertilizer, with predictable results...in terms of "burning in"...
The the neighbour "watered away like "heck";", with the predictable result that the remainder of th lawn "paled", and the "fertilised words" grew up, lush, thick, dark and heavy...
When the City decided to "average" the power bills, water tares etc., Donnie intercepted his "neighbour's" bill and reduced it from $95 a month to $25 a month...
Sensing a "bargain", the "neighbour" bit down hard, and agreed...
18 months later, in January, Donnie sent him a notice on how much in "arrears" he was, advising if it was not paid off in 45 days, his light, water and sewage systems would be turned "off"...
The neighbour sold off the property rather promptly (he'd blown the stack on a Florida trip, which I'm sure was part of the measure!)....
Don't "mess" with those military sorts in Civic government...they can wreck your day...