How much smoke do you need?

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It always makes me chuckle to myself, when people order something like "I'll just have an order of burnt ends, a large mac & cheese, a half rack or the spare ribs, a Cadillac sandwich, with no bun, country beans .... and a diet coke." You got it, little lady! I don't judge!
There ya go. A good follower of Dr. Adkins. Diet cokes kill folks or make them go blind and other bad symptoms. What is a Caddilac Sandwich? We dont get near Obummer motor cars if it can be helped. What is a Toyoter sandwich?
Oh shit here we go with how bad Diet POP (soda for the rest of the backwards country) is for you. Oh the aspartame is so bad for you...... LoL I have talked to many of my friends, that are doctors. Do you how much Pop you would have to ingest to bring out any of the symptoms that the "experts" are talking about. My buddy told me that you would have to ingest over 6 cases a day for 2 to 3 years to come to the tipping level, of where it would case harm to you. Not to mention, does anyone remember NutraSweet? Well Aspritame is the same thing, they just changed the name of it. Just think about it for a minute, everything we ingest at one point or another is bad for us, that is if you ask the socalled "experts". I would rather live my life enjoying what I do, and eat. Do what makes you feel good. Just do not over do it. Excess is what gets you.
Alot of times when you get that "bitter" flavor from smoke, it means that you are choking your flame. The smoke should burn "clean" which means that it should be almost clear to a slightly blue tinge. If you have billowy smoke then open your flue more and allow the oxygen to get to it. That bad taste is a build up of carcenigens and that is not good.

The meat will also take so much smoke. The meat will only accept smoke when the surface is moist. Once the surface starts to bark or dry up then it stops accepting smoke and any extra is simply a waste of wood. If you want more smoke then keep the surface moist. I agree though, I think too much hickory is overkill. I like a nice smoky flavor but, I don't want it to overpower my rub or the meat itself. In my opinion it's about balance between the 3.

I personally like oak or pecan with some type of fruitwood.
There ya go. A good follower of Dr. Adkins. Diet cokes kill folks or make them go blind and other bad symptoms. What is a Caddilac Sandwich? We dont get near Obummer motor cars if it can be helped. What is a Toyoter sandwich?
The Cadillac? That would be, a pulled pork and brisket sandwich, topped with smoked mac& cheese and bacon. (top photo is a variation, "the Husker Special" burnt ends with bacon mac & cheese.)


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You can get it on the side too!


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BTW, each one of the photos above ^ are fan photos taken by my customers and posted online. So, if they appear better than the pics I take myself, that's why!


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the reson peaple order a diet pop they maybe are diebetics or live with one once you stop drinking regular pop and get use to diet the regular is just to sweet an tasye like s@#@#$#@t
SPAM!!!!! Lol, looks great Boozer
Sure! You want SPAM, I smoke SPAM all the time! This here's spam sammitches with picnic shoulder, bacon, jack cheese, and pineapple one one of them king's Hawaiian rolls with honey mustard. I call em Aloha sliders. Them hawaiian folks love them some spam. I do too, it's an acquired taste for some folks though!


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One thing about cooking spam, you can use your favorite pork rub, but leave out the salt and sugar. Spices only. Spam is already loaded with salt and sugar, it doesn't need any more. Another trick that I do is to vac seal it or wrap it up in shrink wrap, right off the smoker, like you'd do with cheese, and for the same reason. It gets the smoke flavor into the inside. Then you can slice some and grill or fry it up whenever you got the munchies.
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