I Could Eat Like A Horse....

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Washing Up
Mar 9, 2004
NW Chicago Burbs'
WOW! I cant belive we have so MANY folks on here that have pets!!! :mrgreen:
I started thinking... I like to feed my cats something special every once in a while. Tonight I broke open a can of tuna. (its their favorite!! :D )
:arrow: Does your pet have a favorite food??
:arrow: Do you have them on a special diet?
:arrow: Do you ever whip up something special for them?
:arrow: What do you feed them on a regular basis?
:arrow: Do you have any cool recipes for your cat or dog?

I would love to know! And it would be GREAT if you had a recipe or 2 you could share. I know my cats would love to try them! :LOL:
I bet our furry little guys will appreciate it! :mrgreen:
My cats don't care much for beef but will kill for chicken!

When we got our puppy, Duncan, they told us to be sure to feed him just this special puppy food they sold there, for at least a week. The first thing we got in the house with him he found half an old hamburger and bag of fries my husband had accidentally left next to his chair. Sheesh! He does eat his puppy food, but he likes an occasional treat. Usually it is a Milkbone, but sometimes it is a little piece of meat.

I did learn something about feeding tablescraps though. You don't want to give your dogs too much fat, but the fat won't hurt cats. It actually helps their coats.

A lot of people give their cats milk as a treat, but this is actually not good for them. Try cottage cheese instead. :)

:LOL: Barbara
Molly is a fuss pot. She eats biscuits (cat ones) of a morning and whiskas pouches of an evening, but the must be ones in gravy, not jelly. And she will only eat tuna and salmon, she doesn't like other fish. Except fried human fish, she will do that. And anything smoked, ham, bacon, smoked salmon, she loves all that.

She only likes milk after it's had cereal in it, I only giver milk once a month, if that. She loves yoghurt though.
I just read that cats like garlic. I never saw my cats go for it. KNow anything about that?
Also, I heard that dogs LOVE ground beef mixed with lots of instant rice, and a few soild dashes of salt. I also heard that it is GREAT for their stomach its upset. I wonder... price-wise it might be even LESS expensive than canned stuff if you made it in a large quantity. For good nutrition, you could have dry dog food in the morning and the beef/rice stuff at night.
Any opinion on this?
My Kitty is on a diet, We just moved so we are keeping the cat inside so he dosent stray. Well he has gotten so big that I had to cut the wet food out of his diet, and he can only get a treat once a week, and he is on diet food, which he dosent seem to mind. Although some one mentioned to me that they have noticedcats put on a lot of weight when they are put in an envirment with a dog bigger than itself, so it dosent feel imtimidated, but who knows

Fat cat from Nova Scotia
Deadly Sushi,

When my mom's dog got old and couldn't eat dog food, the vet told her to feed her hamburger and rice (she cooked up regular rice, not instant). It was easy to make, and Baby liked it.

:) Barbara
French Fried,

If you are planning on letting your cat out eventually, here is a tip someone told me. I can't guarantee it works, but I've never had a cat disappear. :) Rub a little butter on the pad of one of his paws. When he licks the butter off he will get the scent of his new home and will be able to find his way home. If you have lived there awhile, he really won't need this, but I always do this as soon as I move, in case the cat gets out sooner than I want her to.

:) Barbara
That`s a good idea if it works, It sounds reasonable enough, Although I am unsure if I am going to let the cat out again. That Kitty drove me crazy letting him in and out every minite on the minite.

My God mother had to feed her dog a mixture of egg, hamburger, and rice that dog ate that for at least 10 years, I think it originally had a stomach problem, but it was a healthy dog other than that.That food probably is better than any food that you could buy, but It is also a pain in the batotty
Cooked rice is good for a dog if he goes potty and it is to runny..dirrearra..
My little Dove eats anything if it hits the floor and I move away from it..that means she can have it. She loves all raw vegetables except onions.Last night she ate raw calluflower and brocolli. :roll:
Carrots raw act like dental floss but they do have sugar in them so son't overfeed.
My mom's dog Baby would eat anything my mom would eat, except lettuce. Her favorite treat was gingersnaps. And we had a cat that I think must have been starved when she was a baby. She was so greedy that she would eat anything if she thought the other cats were going to get it. I always said she would eat rocks if she thought they wanted it!

:) Barbara
Our big dog, Hannah, is the world's leading canine muncher of baked goods. Cookies are her favorite (so much so that we can no longer spell it in front of her...she now understands what the letters mean) but she likes bread, biscuits, scoones, brownies ,cakes, pies, breads and crackers.
UM our yorkshire terrier uesd to be really picky on food
then she had an opperation to remove some woman bits :oops:
And now she eats like a horse any thing cake /ice cream /veg ect
and before all she would eat was a well known brand of dried food
this we have changed to a light dried food now as she is putting
on weight
she even eats dog biscuits now never touched them
before :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
But shes happy so thats all that matters :LOL: :LOL:
bean gets whiskas or meow mix, milk about 50 times a day, too. the only way he'll take water is from a 16-oz sour cream container in the tub.
patches (hamster) gets mixed baby greens, extra-petite baby carrots, grape tomatoes from my dad's garden, early-pick baby spinach, almonds or macadamias, brie on one of his carrots, and steak or chicken, plus water and nutriphase hamster food.
they aren't on special diets. my mom and dad's one cat refused to eat ANYTHING, literally, but instant mashed potatoes and milk. he had an upset stomach not long ago and so i boiled him some chicken each night, then saved the broth and pureed it with that and a little milk. and of course he had to have his kitty-comfort-food, his mashed potatoes.
bean's favorite food is definately baby food. he likes the gravy from canned cat food, but won't eat the other half of it. and little pieces of cheese, and he loves dannon la creme and blueberry yogurt.
i don't cook for them, my parents (still my cats, i grew up with them) just share with them and my dad gives pieces of meat to them when he's cooking.
now those guys eat the same food as bean, but they all have thier own favorites. ozzy LOVES milk and baloney, elmo goes nuts over shrimp and crab and lobster, esther loves steak, ellie loves chicken, fe loves crab, but po doesn't much care for snacks. he's always too busy breaking things to eat snacks.
My cats hate shrimp! But they love a can of tuna with scrambled eggs. They get this as a treat or when it is time for medicine. I normally just feed then dry cat food. Our mama cat & her 3 kittens have gone through a 17lb. bag of cat food in about 2 weeks! I think they are getting help from the neighborhood kitties too! Our betta loves bloodworms & he gets a special color enhancing food every other day. We also have tadpoles, but I don't feed them. They are outside & nature takes great care of them. The tadpoles take care of the mosquito population for us. Well, I do give them bloodworms occasionally.
My cat loves "smartfood" popcorn, shrimp and ice cream. Her regular food is cat chow, I've never given her anything else. Too much wet food {any kind} is bad for their teeth, as cats and dogs will get tarter build up on them causing them pain and eventual loss of teeth.
When our previous dog Sheila was arthritic and aging, I took it upon myself to make her "Dog Soup." Broth from long-cooking nice cartiligenous knucklebones, some rice and herbs that I thought would be good for her. The vet approved, cartilege builds cartilege as she said.

Nowadays I might add some seafood; they get big money for "Glucosamine supplements" which are pretty much powdered green mussel shells.
all i know is my one cat (who thinks she's a dog) hates tuna.
but she loves mcdonald's french fries,
potato chips (pringles preferably) and yes even popcorn.
middie said:
all i know is my one cat (who thinks she's a dog) hates tuna.
but she loves mcdonald's french fries,
potato chips (pringles preferably) and yes even popcorn.

The only human food my cat eats are green vegetables. Chicken? Nope. Beef? Nope. Ice cream? Well, that's the exception. He'll lick a couple of times and stops.

Raised this cat to eat only cat food. Best decision I ever made. I can eat dinner and he never begs. I can leave food on the table and he never jumps up. I can even leave chicken bones in the trash can and he doesn't touch it. I bring home lettuce or celery and leave it on the table, the cat is right there digging through the sacks trying to get a bite.

It's not like he doesn't have access to grass. He does! He has a special fenced in and fenced over area where he goes to play in the dirt and grass and poop.

He's 10 years old and on his second year since Chronic Renal Failure was diagnosed. He only eats the prescription KD food for CRF cats. Blood tests come back with good results thus far.

Take your pets to an AAHA certified animal hospital. I'm certain my cat wouldn't be doing so well if I had taken my cat to a lesser hospital. The AAHA vet had a diagnosis in less than an hour (blood and urine tests) and started to aggressively treat him right away. He only spent 2 nights in the hospital and the improvement was remarkable. He was back to his normal frisky self in a week.
middie said:
all i know is my one cat (who thinks she's a dog) hates tuna.
but she loves mcdonald's french fries,
potato chips (pringles preferably) and yes even popcorn.
my cat esther loves fries! they all love pork rinds, too.

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